Characters Discussed
Siegfried (ZEEG-freed), a prince of Niderland whose heroic achievements include the winning of the great treasure hoard of the Nibelung. Having bathed in the blood of a dragon he slew, Siegfried is invulnerable except for a spot between his shoulders where a linden leaf had fallen. He goes to Burgundy and there wins Kriemhild as his wife. Later, he is treacherously killed by a Burgundian knight.
Kriemhild (KREEM-hihlt), the beautiful sister of the king of Burgundy. She marries Siegfried and is subsequently tricked into revealing the secret of his vulnerability. After a long period of widowhood and mourning, she becomes the wife of the king of the Huns. Still seeking vengeance for Siegfried’s death, she invites the whole Burgundian court to Hunland. In the final bloody combat, all the Burgundians are killed, and Kriemhild herself is slain by her husband’s order.
Gunther (GEWN-tehr), king of Burgundy. He promises that Siegfried shall marry Kriemhild in return for aiding him in winning Brunhild. With Siegfried’s aid, Gunther overcomes Brunhild in her required feats of skill and strength. After the double wedding, Siegfried is again needed to impersonate Gunther in subduing Brunhild, who has determined never to let Gunther share her bed. Gunther is killed in the final bloodbath in Hunland.
Brunhild (BREWN-hihlt), the daughter of Wotan, won by Gunther with Siegfried’s help. Wishing to see Siegfried again, she plans a hunting party to which he and Kriemhild are invited. A great rivalry develops between the women; Kriemhild takes revenge by telling Brunhild the true story of her wedding night. Though Gunther and Siegfried settle the quarrel to their own satisfaction, it becomes a source of trouble among Gunther’s brothers.
Hagen (HAH-gehn), a retainer of the Burgundians and a crafty and troublemaking knight. It is he who slays Siegfried. Hoping to get the Nibelungen treasure, now Kriemhild’s, for himself, he orders it dropped into the Rhine. He is slain by Kriemhild herself, and with him dies the secret of the treasure’s hiding place.
Gernot (GEHR-noht) and
Giselher (GEE-seh-lehr), brothers of Kriemhild and Gunther. Convinced by Hagen that Siegfried has stained the honor of their house, they plot with Hagen to kill him. Later, they fall victim to Brunhild’s revenge.
Etzel (EHT-tsehl), also known as Attila, king of the Huns, Kriemhild’s second husband.
Ortlieb (OHRT-leeb), Kriemhild’s small son. Etzel gives him to the Burgundians as a hostage, and he is killed by Hagen when the fighting begins.
Dankwart (DHANK-vahrt), the brother of Hagen. He too is killed in Hunland.
Sir Dietrich
Sir Dietrich (DEE-trihkh), a knight who warns the Burgundians that Kriemhild still plots vengeance. As a result, they refuse to give up their weapons.
Sir Bloedel
Sir Bloedel (BLEW-dehl), a knight who comes to Dankwart’s quarters demanding vengeance for Kriemhild. He is killed by Dankwart, and thus the final bloody combat begins.
Iring (IH-rihng), one of Kriemhild’s heroes.
Hildebrand (HEEL-deh-brahnd), a retainer of Etzel. At a sign from Etzel, he ends Kriemhild’s life.
Hunold (HEW-nohlt), a Burgundian hero.
Queen Uta
Queen Uta (EW-tah), the mother of Kriemhild.
King Siegmund
King Siegmund (ZEEG-mewnt), the father of Siegfried.
Queen Sieglind
Queen Sieglind (ZEEG-lihnt, the mother of Siegfried.
Ludger (LEWT -gehr), king of the Saxons. After spending a year in the Burgundian court, Siegfried aids Gunther in overcoming the Saxons. In the celebrations that follow,...
(This entire section contains 621 words.)
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Ludger sees Kriemhild for the first time.
Gelfrat (GEHL-fraht), a Burgundian slain by Dankwart in a quarrel at the start of the journey to Hunland. This and other evil omens are ignored.
Albric (AHL-brihk), a dwarf from whom Siegfried wins a cloak of invisibility.
The dwarf who was the Lord Treasurer of the Nibelung dynasty. When Siegfried
conquered the Nibelung brothers, he took his magic cloak of invisibility and
made Alberich Lord Treasurer of the Nibelung treasure.
Hagen and Dancwart's father.
This is the name of Dietrich's dynasty. It applies to his vassals as well.
One of the lords of Melk.
Attila the HunSee Etzel
The name of Siegfried's sword. In heroic legends, swords were often given
names. After Siegfried's death, Hagen steals Balmung. When Hagen is captured at
the end of the epic, Kriemhild uses the sword to kill Hagen.
Etzel's brother. Dancwart kills him in battle in Chapter 32.
The Queen of Iceland, a beautiful maiden of almost superhuman strength.
Gunther, king of the Burgundians, travels to Iceland to win her hand in
marriage. He must perform certain acts of strength and skill in order to marry
the Queen. His friend Siegfried helps him perform these tasks while wearing the
magic cloak of invisibility, so it appears as if Gunther is acting alone.
Siegfried also helps Gunther subdue Brunhild and possess her sexually after
they are married (again hidden in the magic cloak), which brings about the loss
of her extraordinary strength. Brunhild is not aware of Siegfried's role until
she is taunted about it by Kriemhild. The argument that follows between the two
women results in Siegfried's death and in the downfall of the Burgundians.
Deceased father of Gunther, Giselher, and Gernot, kings of the Burgundians, and
the husband of Uote.
Hagen's younger brother and also a vassal of the Burgundian kings. He kills
Gelphrat in Chapter 8 and often aids his brother. He is challenged by Bloedelin
in Chapter 32, and killed. This is the beginning of the final confrontation
between the Huns and the Burgundians. Dancwart is killed by Helpfrich,
Dietrich's vassal, in Chapter 38.
Lord of the Amelung dynasty. He is engaged to Herrat and lives in exile at
Etzel's court. When the Burgundians come to visit Kriemhild in Chapter 28, he
tells the kings that she still mourns her dead husband Siegfried, and warns
them that their visit may not be a pleasant one. He is also an old acquaintance
of Hagen and greatly respected by all the Huns. He helps Kriemhild and Etzel
escape when fighting breaks out between the Huns and Burgundians, and is
finally responsible for the capture of Hagen and Gunther.
A military governor for the Burgundians. He brings Kriemhild to Hungary to
marry Eztel. In Chapter 26 he is discovered on Rudiger's frontier. The narrator
does not tell us how he came to be separated from Kriemhild's household. His
character may have been conflated with another historical figure.
Brother of Gelpfrat and Lord of the Marches on the Bavarian bank of the Danube
River. He flees Hagen's men in Chapter 26 after Dancwart kills his brother.
King of the Huns in Hungary. Marries Kriemhild after his wife Helche dies.
Military governor of Bavaria and brother of Else. Gelphrat attacks Hagen and
his men after Hagen kills his ferryman. Gelphrat is in turn killed by Dancwart
in Chapter 26.
One of Dietrich's vassals.
A military governor and kinsman of the Burgundian kings. In Chapter 12, after
the marriage of Siegfried and Kriemhild, he travels back to the Netherlands to
invite them to visit the Burgundians.
Brother of Gunther, Giselher, and Kriemhild. Second-oldest of the brothers, he
is killed by Rudiger in Chapter 37.
The youngest brother of Gunther, Gernot, and Kriemhild. He is betrothed to
Rudiger's daughter in Chapter 27, but is killed by Wolfhart in Chapter 38.
Wife of Rudiger, military governor and Etzel's vassal. Her daughter is
betrothed to Giselher.
Eldest king of Burgundy; brother of Gernot, Giselher and Kriemhild; son of
Dancrat and Uote. He wins the hand of Brunhild in marriage with the help of
Siegfried. He is then complicit in the death of Siegfried, and dies by order of
Kriemhild in Hungary. Before he dies, he and Hagen defend themselves in Etzel's
hall, and are responsible for killing many Huns. Gunther's character is
problematic, as many critics have considered him to be weak and
Son of Siegfried and Kriemhild. He is born and grows up in the Netherlands,
Siegfried's kingdom.
The name of the water-faerie in the Danube river who warns Hagen that the
journey to Hungary will end in disaster.
Brother of Dancwart, eldest son of Aldrian, and chief vassal of the Burgundian
kings. Also called the Lord of Troneck. He was once a hostage at Etzel's court.
He is responsible for Siegfried's death and is the object of Kriemhild's
revenge-plot. He discourages the Burgundian kings form travelling to Hungary
upon Kriemhild's invitation, but is not heeded. Then he is warned by
water-faeries that the journey will end in tragedy. Kriemhild kills him with
Siegfried's sword in Hungary.
A Danish prince who lives in exile at Etzel's court and is overlord of Iring.
He is killed by Hagen in Hungary.
Etzel's first queen. She is already dead when Etzel enters the narrative.
One of Dietrich's vassals.
One of Dietrich's vassals. He kills Dancwart, Hagen's brother, in Chapter
Niece of Helche, Etzel's first wife. She is betrothed to Dietrich. Her father
is Nantwin.
Vassal and Master-at-Arms of Dietrich of the Amelungs. He is also Wolfhart's
uncle. He and Dietrich are the last to fight with Hagen and Gunther before the
Burgundians are captured. He executes Kriemhild in the last Chapter.
One of Etzel's vassals.
Lord Chamberlain of Burgundy.
Vassal of Hawart, a Danish prince living in exile at Etzel's court. Iring is
killed by Hagen in Chapter 35 when he tries to fulfill Queen Kriemhild's
Also referred to as the Landgrave of Thuringia. He lives at Etzel's court, in
exile. He is killed by Volker.
Princess of Burgundy, sister of Gunther, Giselher, and Gernot, and daughter of
Uote and Dancrat. She is sought in marriage by the renowned warrior Siegfried,
who remains in the Burgundin court for a year in the hope of meeting her.
Kriemhild and Siegfried marry after Siegfried helps her brother Gunther to win
the hand of the Icelandic queen Brunhild.
The main action of the Nibelungenlied—the violence between the Burgundians and Huns—is started by the bad feelings that arise when Kriemhild and Brunhild argue, first over whose husband is the greater, and then over Siegfried's role in Brunhild's marriage to Gunther. After Siegfried's death Kriemhild marries Etzel of Hungary (Attila the Hun), always planning her revenge on her brother's wife and liegemen for Siegfried's death. She has a son (Gunther) by Siegfried, and another son (Ortlieb) by Etzel. She kills Hagen with Siegfried's sword in Chapter 39 and is subsequently killed by Hildebrand.
King of Denmark, brother of Liudeger. He declares war on Burgundy and is
captured by Siegfried.
King of Saxony and brother of Liudegast. He is captured with his brother while
at war with the Burgundians.
A title given to a military governor of a border province. It is roughly
equivalent to a British marquess. The wife of a margrave is called a
Father of Herrat, who is betrothed to Dietrich. He is also a vassal of
The name given to the lords of Nibelungland, Kings Schilbung and Nibelung, to
whom was bequeathed the treasure of the Nibelungs by their father, King
Nibelung. The term also describes the members of the dynasty of Nibelung and
their followers. Later in the poem, the term is used to describe the Nibelung
followers who became Siegfried's vassals when he conquered their lords. When
Kriemhild went to live with Etzel, the Nibelungs did not accompany her, and so
the term is sometimes used as an alternative name for the Burgundians after her
A kinsman of Gotelind, wife of Rudiger. He does not appear in this story except
by implication. He is said to have died earlier, and his shield is given to
Hagen when he visits Rudiger. Nuodung's betrothed is later promised to
Bloedelin by Kriemhild to lure him into battle with Hagen.
Kriemhild's son by Etzel. He is around six years old when he is killed by
Hagen, and plays a very minor role in the story.
Hagen's nephew, Lord High Stewart of Burgundy and Lord of Metz.
Bishop Pilgrim
Bishop of Passau and Uote's brother. He is the uncle of Kriemhild, Gunther,
Giselher, and Gernot, all of whom stop to visit on their respective ways to
One of Etzel's vassals and Duke of Wallachia.
One of Dietrich's vassals.
A vassal of Etzel, margrave and lord of Pochlarn and husband to Gotelind. He
travels to Burgundy to ask for Kriemhild's hand in marriage on behalf of Etzel
of Hungary. He betrothes his daughter to Giselher but in Chapter 37 is slain by
Gernot, whom he kills at the same time. He is a heroic figure who must in the
end decide whether to acknowledge his feudal oath of loyalty to Kriemhild, or
his oath of friendship and kinship to the Burgundians.
Vassal of the Burgundians and Lord of the Kitchen in Burgundy. Gunther appoints
him regent to look after the kingdom when the kings leave for Hungary.
One of the Lords of Nibelungland, son of Nibelung (also the name of his
brother). He is killed by Siegfried, who takes over his lands and treasure.
One of Etzel's vassals.
Son of Siegmund and Sieglind, and lord of the Netherlands, Norway and
Nieblungland. He marries Kriemhild, princess of Burgundy, and helps King
Gunther to win Queen Brunhild's hand in marriage. He is later killed by Hagen.
Kriemhild's avenging of his death forms the majority of the story. The name
Siegfried is also given to King Gunther's son by Queen Brunhild.
Queen of the Netherlands, wife of King Siegmund, and mother of Siegfried. This
is also the name given to the water-faerie that prophecies the fall of the
Burgundians to Hagen.
King of the Netherlands, husband of Sieglind and father of Siegfried. He visits
the Burgundian kingdom with his son and Queen Kriemhild after they are married,
and then returns to the Netherlands after Siegfried is killed.
A vassal of the Burgundians and Cup-Bearer of Burgundy.
Etzel's minstrel. He travels to Burgundy with Werbel to invite Kriemhild's
kinsmen to visit for the summer festival.
Theoderic the GreatSee Dietrich.
Widowed Queen of Burgundy, mother of Gunther, Giselher, Gernot and Kriemhild.
She is sister to Bishop Pilgrim of Passau. She is the one who interprets
Kriemhild's dream at the beginning of the story, and tries to warn her sons not
to travel to Hungary after she has a dream that indicates the journey will end
in tragedy.
A vassal of the Burgundians, lord of Alzei. He is Hagen's chosen comrade in
arms and stands guard with Hagen to protect the Burgundian warriors at Etzel's
court. He is also referred to as "The Minstrel" or "The Fiddler" for his
musical ability. He is killed by Hildebrand in Chapter 38.
The name given to Iring's sword.
Etzel's minstrel. He travels with Swemmel to Burgundy to invite Kriemhild's
kinsmen to Hungary for the summer festival.
One of Dietrich's vassals.
One of Dietrich's vassals.
Nephew of Hildebrand, and Dietrich's vassal. He goads Hagen and the Burgundians
into a fight in Chapter 38, wherein he and Giselher kill each other.
One of Dietrich's vassals.