Native American Literature Questions and Answers
Native American Literature
Exploring Metafiction in Lee Maracle's "Goodbye, Snauq"
Lee Maracle's short story "Goodbye, Snauq" uses metafiction to explore the effects of colonialism on Indigenous communities. The narrative highlights the loss of Snauq land, leading to identity...
Native American Literature
What are some themes in "The Earth on Turtle's Back"?
The primary theme of the Native American story "The Earth on Turtle's Back" is creation. Other themes in the story include the benevolence of animals toward humankind, the need for persistence when...
Native American Literature
What is the meaning of "Blue Winds Dancing" and the narrator's definition of wisdom?
The meaning of "Blue Winds Dancing" by Thomas Whitecloud centers on the narrator's cultural identity and the wisdom found in his Chippewa heritage. The narrator contrasts the materialistic,...
Native American Literature
In Traplines by Eden Robinson, why do the Smythes offer their home to Will, and why does he refuse it?
Although the Smythes offer Will a home, he refuses it because he is ashamed of his family. He knows that when he leaves, his brother Eric will get to have an extra bedroom all for himself, which he...
Native American Literature
In "Blue Winds Dancing" by Thomas S. Whitecloud, how does the speaker feel upon reaching Woodruff and why?
Upon reaching Woodruff, the speaker feels apprehensive and afraid of how he will be received after being away at college. He is concerned that his family will see him as less of an Indian, yet he...
Native American Literature
How did assimilation impact Native American oral literary traditions?
Assimilation severely impacted Native American oral literary traditions by disrupting cultural transmission. Forced assimilation, especially through Indian schools, removed children from their...
Native American Literature
In the Winnebago Trickster tales, how is the Trickster depicted as both a creator and destroyer?
In the Winnebago Trickster tales, Trickster is depicted as both a creator and destroyer. As a creator, he transforms the Mississippi River into a safe environment for humans by eliminating harmful...
Native American Literature
Do Native American studies fit within the scope of post-colonial studies?
Native American studies' inclusion in post-colonial studies is debated. While Native American literature shares themes with post-colonial works, such as colonial struggles, Arnold Krupat argues it...
Native American Literature
Summarize and analyze "Cree Girl Blows Up the Necropolis of Ottawa" by Billy-Ray Belcourt.
In the prose poem "Cree Girl Explodes the Necropolis of Ottawa," Billy-Ray Belcourt first briefly describes the film Rhymes for Young Ghouls, which focuses on abuses committed on First Nation young...
Native American Literature
How is intentional fallacy discussed in "Goodbye, Snauq" by Lee Maracle?
One example of intentional fallacy which is discussed in "Goodbye, Snauq" has to do with the narrator's response to the Squamish Nation's decision to sell their rights to Snauq to the Canadian...