Miniver Cheevy Questions and Answers

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Miniver Cheevy

The possible downside of living in Thebes, Camelot, or as Priam's neighbors, which Cheevy dreams of in "Miniver Cheevy," would have included plague in a time before modern medicine and the brutality...

5 educator answers

Miniver Cheevy

The rhyme scheme of "Miniver Cheevy" is abab with feminine rhymes, and the meter is mainly iambic but includes dactylic rhythm and hypercatalexis. These variations from the standard ballad form...

1 educator answer

Miniver Cheevy

Edwin Arlington Robinson may have chosen the name "Miniver Cheevy" to highlight the character's dissatisfaction and inaction. "Miniver" suggests smallness and impotence, while "Cheevy" evokes...

1 educator answer

Miniver Cheevy

Both "Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy" employ situational irony to highlight the characters' dissatisfaction with their lives. Richard Cory, admired for his wealth and grace, ironically ends his...

1 educator answer

Miniver Cheevy

Miniver Cheevy is a “child of scorn” because he scorns the modern world because it is not the world of the past. He is also a “child of scorn” because his behavior makes him worthy of scorn.

1 educator answer

Miniver Cheevy

Cheevy believes that "Romance" and "Art" have lost their nobility and purity in modern times. He views contemporary art as aimless and lacking grandeur, longing for the romanticized chivalry of the...

2 educator answers

Miniver Cheevy

Miniver Cheevy, from Edwin Arlington Robinson's poem, is unlikely to have been a hero even if he lived in an earlier era. He is characterized by inaction, escapism, and dissatisfaction with his...

1 educator answer

Miniver Cheevy

Edwin Arlington Robinson's poem “Miniver Cheevy” depicts a man caught in the past and unwilling to live in the present. He performs only limited actions like weeping, dancing, mourning, cursing,...

1 educator answer

Miniver Cheevy

Edwin Arlington Robinson's poem "Miniver Cheevy" depicts a man who romanticizes the past and laments his existence in the present. Cheevy feels out of place in the modern world, yearning for a time...

2 educator answers

Miniver Cheevy

Miniver Cheevy longs for an idealized past, romanticizing historical eras like ancient Greece and medieval times. He dreams of a world where knights in shining armor and heroic deeds were common,...

1 educator answer

Miniver Cheevy

The tone of "Miniver Cheevy" is satirical, mocking the protagonist's pretentious longing for a romanticized past, revealing his insincerity and banality. In contrast, "Mr. Flood's Party" has an...

1 educator answer