close-up portrait of a figure dressed in black wearing a black veil

The Minister's Black Veil

by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Rev. Mr. Hooper in The Minister's Black Veil Quiz

The Reverend Hooper has made a strange decision. He has taken to constantly wearing a black veil which totally obscures his face. Do you understand the symbolism and power of the veil, and how it affects not only the Reverend, but also his fiancee and his congregation? Be sure you understand Reverend Hooper by taking the quiz over his character in Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic short story, "The Minister's Black Veil."

  1. When does Hooper remove the veil?

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  2. What does Hooper say the veil symbolizes?

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  3. Which of the following best describes Hooper's feelings after he adopts the veil?

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  4. Where does the Rev. Mr. Hooper serves as minister?

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  5. True or False: Not a single feature of the minister's face is left uncovered by the veil

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  6. Why does the engagement of Hooper and Elizabeth fall apart?

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