The Merchant of Venice Questions on Tubal
The Merchant of Venice
What is Tubal's relationship with Shylock in the second half of 3.1 in The Merchant of Venice?
Tubal is an associate of Shylock, sent to Genoa to find Shylock's daughter, Jessica, who fled with his money. Tubal contrasts sharply with Shylock's emotional volatility, remaining calm and...
The Merchant of Venice
Why had Tubal, Shylock's friend, been to Genoa?
Tubal visited Genoa at Shylock's behest to search for Shylock's daughter, who had eloped. Although Tubal did not find her, he reported back to Shylock, revealing that she had been spending money and...
The Merchant of Venice
Why does Tubal believe Antonio is undone in The Merchant of Venice?
Tubal believes Antonio is undone because Antonio's ship, carrying valuable cargo, has been lost, making him unable to repay his debt to Shylock. This information is crucial to Shylock, who has a bond...