Discussion Topic

Analysis of the speaker's identity, observations, and actions in the poem "Meeting at Night."


The speaker in "Meeting at Night" is a lover journeying to meet their beloved. Through vivid imagery, the speaker describes the landscape, the sea, and the night, emphasizing the anticipation and excitement of the clandestine meeting. The speaker's actions, such as traveling across the sea and land, reflect determination and passion, culminating in the lovers' reunion.

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Who is the speaker in the poem "Meeting at Night"?

I think you might be referring to the poem "Meeting at Night" by Robert Browning, as the poem takes place late at night, when the moon is "large and low."

The speaker in the poem is someone who is on their way to meet with someone they love dearly. Initially the narrator appears to be a general, omniscient narrator. However, near the end of the first stanza, the narrator uses the term "I" to refer to their approach to a cove, stating "I gain the cove with pushing prow, / And quench its speed i' the slushy sand." Here it becomes clear that rather than an outside entity observing the scene, the narrator is the one experiencing it, traveling to a specific destination for a specific reason.

With this knowledge, we can move forward into the second stanza and understand the narrator's role in the scene. In the second half of the poem, the narrator details their travel across "a mile of warm sea-scented beach" and "[t]hree fields to cross till a farm appears." Finally, the narrator details "[a] tap at the pane," which is the narrator's sign to their significant other than they have arrived, followed by "a voice less loud, thro' it's joys and fears" and ending with "two hearts beating each to each."

This poem details the journey that one will go through to reach the person they love. Browning does a great job of putting us in the moment by surrounding his single mention of the first person with very descriptive sensory imagery.

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What does the speaker observe and do in the poem "Meeting at Night"?

The poem "Meeting at Night" by Robert Browning tells of a person's journey at night to meet a loved one. In each of the two stanzas of the poem, the poet describes a leg of the journey. The first part of the journey is by sea and the second part by land. In the poem, the gender of the narrator is not given, but we'll assume for the simplicity of our description here that the poet is a man.

Considering that in the first stanza the poet is traveling by sea, if you read the poem carefully line by line, you'll find several examples of what he observes. He sees the "grey sea," the "long black land," and the "yellow half-moon." As he nears shore, he notices waves and the "slushy sand," or soft wet sand, in which the boat comes to rest.

Now read the second stanza to discover what the poet observes as he journeys by land. He walks along "a mile of warm sea-scented beach" and then crosses three fields until he comes to a farmhouse. When he reaches the farmhouse, he taps on the windowpane, and inside he sees his loved one lighting a match. We assume that then his lover opens the window and they embrace.

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