Maurice Kenny Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- An introduction to Dancing Back Strong the Nation: Poems
- The Uses of Oral Tradition in Six Contemporary Native American Poets
- Baskets of Sweetgrass: Maurice Kenny's Dancing Back Strong the Nation and 'I Am the Sun'
- The Mama Poems
- The Historic Present
- A prelude to Between Two Rivers: Selected Poems 1956–1984
- Wild Berries
- Between Two Rivers: Selected Poems 1956–1984
- A preface to Rain, and Other Fictions
- Rain, and Other Fictions
- Rain, and Other Fictions
- Last Mornings in Brooklyn
- Tekonwatonti/Molly Brant (1735–1795): Poems of War
- Tekonwatonti: Molly Brant (1735–1795); Poems of War
- Tekonwatonti/Molly Brant (1735–1795): Poems of War
- The Spirit of Independence: Maurice Kenny's Tekonwatonti/Molly Brant: Poems of War