Master and Margarita Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- The Master and Margarita: The Reach Exceeds the Grasp
- The Mythic Structure of Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita
- Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita
- St. John and Bulgakov: The Model of a Parody of Christ
- Ambiguity and Meaning in The Master and Margarita: The Role of Afranius
- Existential Thought in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita
- The Mystery of the Master's Final Destination
- Mythic and Daimonic Paradigms in Bulgakov's Master i Margarita
- Reaching a Reader: The Master's Audience in The Master and Margarita
- In Defense of the Homeless: On the Uses of History and the Role of Bezdomnyi in The Master and Margarita
- The Sources for Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita.
- Of Dreams, Devils, Irrationality, and The Master and Margarita
- Bulgakov's Master i Margarita: Post-Romantic Devil Pacts
- Overview
- Key and Tripod in Mikhail Bulgakov's Master and Margarita
- Cases of Schizophrenia in The Master and Margarita.
- History as Hippodrome: The Apocalyptic Horse and Rider in The Master and Margarita
- Mikhail Bulgakov and the Red Army's Polo Instructor: Political Satire in The Master and Margarita
- The Dialectics of Closure in Bulgakov's Master and Margarita
- Further Reading