Mary Astell Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Character and Influence
- Mary Astell and the Conservative Contribution to English Feminism
- Mary Astell's Response to the Enlightenment
- Introduction to The First English Feminist: Reflections Upon Marriage and other writings by Mary Astell
- ‘All Men and Both Sexes’: Concepts of Men's Development, Women's Education, and Feminism in the Seventeenth Century
- Mary Astell and the Feminist Critique of Possessive Individualism
- Mary Astell
- ‘This was a Woman that taught’: Feminist Scriptural Exegesis in the Seventeenth Century
- De-ciphering women and de-scribing authority: The writings of Mary Astell
- Mary Astell: England's First Feminist Literary Critic
- Mary Astell: Reclaiming Rhetorica in the Seventeenth Century
- Mary Astell: Defender of the ‘Disembodied Mind’
- Tory Feminism in Mary Astell's Bart'lemy Fair
- Mary Astell and John Locke
- Sources of Political Authority: John Locke and Mary Astell: Introduction
- Further Reading