Marsha Norman Criticism
Norman, Marsha (Vol. 186)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Doing Time: Hunger for Power in Marsha Norman's Plays
- Review of Fortune Teller
- Norman's 'night, Mother: Psycho-Drama of Female Identity
- Locked behind the Proscenium: Feminist Strategies in Getting Out and My Sister in This House
- Realism, Narrative, and the Feminist Playwright—A Problem of Reception
- Fathers, Daughters, and Spiritual Sisters: Marsha Norman's 'night, Mother and Tennessee Williams's The Glass Menagerie.
- The Way Out, the Way In: Paths to Self in the Plays of Marsha Norman
- A Long Way to Broadway
- Feminizing the Frontier Myth: Marsha Norman's The Holdup
- The Demeter Myth and Doubling in Marsha Norman's 'night, Mother.
- Marsha Norman's Triple Play
- Coming Apart
- Jessie and Thelma Revisited: Marsha Norman's Conceptual Challenge in 'night, Mother.
- Back from the Nikitsky Gates Theater: Reflections on Cross-Cultural Concerns in the Staging of Marsha Norman's 'night, Mother in Moscow
- Fearlessly ‘Looking under the Bed’: Marsha Norman's Feminist Aesthetic in Getting Out and 'night, Mother.
- The ‘Other Funeral’: Narcissism and Symbolic Substitution in Marsha Norman's Traveler in the Dark
- Suicide in Beth Henley's Crimes of the Heart and Marsha Norman's 'night, Mother.
- More than Noises Off: Marsha Norman's Offstage Characters
- Review of Trudy Blue
- A Place at the Table: Hunger as Metaphor in Lillian Hellman's Days to Come and Marsha Norman's 'night, Mother.
- Precursor and Protege: Lillian Hellman and Marsha Norman
- Further Reading
- Norman, Marsha (Vol. 28)
Norman, Marsha
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Author Commentary
- Overviews And General Studies
- Getting Out
'Night, Mother
- 'Night, Mother
- The Joy of the Unexpected
- Portrait of the Artist as a Young Saint
- 'night, Mother
- Don't Read This Review!
- 'night, Mother
- Really 'Going On': Marsha Norman's Pulitzer Winner
- More Trick than Tragedy
- Norman's 'night, Mother: Psycho-drama of Female Identity
- New Voices Using New Realism: Fuller, Henley, and Norman
- Feminism and the Canon: The Question of Universality
- Further Reading