Marguerite Duras Criticism
- Duras, Marguerite (Vol. 11)
Duras, Marguerite (Vol. 100)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Risking an Opinion
- Duras and Her Thoughts of Love
- The Life of Marguerite Duras
- An interview with Marguerite Duras
- A Man, a Woman and a Voyeur
- Marguerite Duras Makes No Sense, Compellingly
- If Revenge Is Duras' Aim, Then It's Also Her Muse
- The North China Lover
- The Telling Remains
- Eternally Unpredictable
- Writing Power in Duras' L'Amant de la Chine du nord
- Deja Vu Again
- Emerging from the Shadows: Fratricidal Moves in Marguerite Duras' Early Fiction
- Marguerite Duras, 81, Author Who Explored Love and Sex
- Further Reading
Duras, Marguerite (Vol. 20)
- Introduction
- 'Destroy, She Said'
- The Festival and Awards Game: Unmagnificent Seventh
- Festivals 69: London
- 'La Musica'
- 'Nathalie Granger'
- 'La femme du gange'
- 'Woman of the Ganges'
- The Novelist as Filmmaker: Marguerite Duras' 'Destroy, She Said'
- The Most Feminine Film I've Ever Seen
- Review & Interview: 'India Song'
- The Left Bank Revisited
- Killing Time
- Contrasts
- Film Festival: 'The Truck' Talks and Talks but It Says Very Little
- Two for the Road
- The Cinema of Marguerite Duras: Sound and Voice in a Closed Room
- Duras, Marguerite (Pseudonym of Marguerite Donnadieu)
- Duras, Marguerite (Vol. 3)
Duras, Marguerite (Short Story Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Times Literary Supplement (essay date 1966)
- A Short Story of Marguerite Duras
- The Anti-Novels
- Salvation Through Drinking in Marguerite Duras' Short Stories
- Form and Meaning in Marguerite Duras' ‘Moderato Cantabile’
- Language as Ritual in Marguerite Duras's ‘Moderato Cantabile’
- The Banquet Scene in ‘Moderato Cantabile’: A Stylistic Analysis
- Death and Desire in Marguerite Duras' ‘Moderato Cantabile’
- Gender, Reading, and Desire in ‘Moderato Cantabile’
- Resolution in Marguerite Duras's ‘Moderato Cantabile’
- Women and Fictions in Marguerite Duras's Moderato Cantabile
- Life in a Moment
- Marguerite Duras: Women's Language in Men's Cities
- Saigon Mon Amour
- Marguerite Duras
- Fiction
- Introduction
- A Game Played: ‘Moderato Cantabile’
- The Blanks
- Marguerite Duras: Sexual Difference and Tales of Apocalypse
- Family Reflections and the Absence of the Father in Duras's ‘L'Amant’
- Feminist Family Romances
- Fiction and the Photographic Image in Duras' ‘The Lover’
- Fiction and Autobiography/Language and Silence: ‘The Lover’ by Marguerite Duras
- Writing the Subject: Exoticism/Eroticism in Marguerite Duras's ‘The Lover’ and ‘The Sea Wall’
- Transgressive Bodies
- Coming of Age Stories: Defining the Woman and the Writer
- The Cafe Duras: Mourning Descriptive Space
- The Drive for Power in Marguerite Duras' ‘L'Amant’
- Further Reading