Malcolm X Questions and Answers
Malcolm X
What does Malcolm X aspire to be when he grows up, according to his teacher?
Malcolm X tells his teacher he wants to be a lawyer, but his teacher dismisses this as unrealistic for a black person and suggests becoming a carpenter instead. This discouragement marks a turning...
Malcolm X
What did Malcolm X mean by "homemade education" in his essay and what did he learn?
In his essay, Malcolm X describes "homemade education" as the self-directed learning he undertook in prison to overcome his illiteracy. Frustrated by his limited vocabulary, he copied the entire...
Malcolm X
What actions of Malcolm X nearly resulted in Archie killing him?
Malcolm's actions that nearly resulted in Archie killing him involved a dispute over a bet in the numbers racket, an illegal lottery. Malcolm claimed he placed a winning bet with West Indian Archie,...
Malcolm X
What were Malcolm X's religious beliefs and how did they influence his actions?
Malcolm X's religious beliefs were rooted in Islam, initially through the Nation of Islam, which shaped his early advocacy for Black empowerment and racial separation. He promoted Black superiority...
Malcolm X
How did Malcolm X overcome early life obstacles to influence the civil rights movement?
Malcolm X overcame early life obstacles, including the violent death of his father and his mother's mental breakdown, by turning to education and the Nation of Islam while in prison. This...
Malcolm X
What were Malcolm X's views on conking hair as a form of self-degradation?
Malcolm X viewed conking hair as a form of self-degradation and self-debasement for African Americans. He believed that the painful process of straightening hair to resemble white beauty standards...
Malcolm X
What did each of Malcolm X's four names represent regarding his life changes?
Malcolm X's names reflect significant life changes. Born Malcolm Little, he rejected his "slave name" and adopted "X" to signify his lost African heritage. As a leader in the Nation of Islam, he...
Malcolm X
What are some possible thesis statements for an essay on "Learning to Read" by Malcolm X?
Possible thesis statements for "Learning to Read" could focus on the importance of prison literacy education and could be supported by Malcolm's own statement that reading liberated him, as well as...
Malcolm X
What are two researchable questions about specific events in Malcolm X's life?
Two researchable questions about Malcolm X's life include: How did Malcolm X's words and actions evolve after his pilgrimage to Mecca, particularly regarding his views on race and his relationship...
Malcolm X
Malcolm X's advocacy for black equality
Malcolm X advocated for black equality through his emphasis on black self-determination, self-defense, and economic independence. He challenged the nonviolent approach of the civil rights movement,...
Malcolm X
What are the praises and criticisms of Malcolm X?
Malcolm X is praised for boldly addressing white oppression and advocating for self-sufficiency among African-Americans, highlighting systemic poverty and racism, particularly in inner cities....
Malcolm X
What challenges did Malcolm Little face in early childhood and how did they influence his views on race?
Malcolm Little, later known as Malcolm X, faced significant challenges in his early childhood, including his father's murder by white supremacists and his mother's subsequent mental breakdown,...
Malcolm X
Why wouldn't Malcolm X ask the police and government to protect Black people's rights?
Malcolm X would have felt that it would be a waste of time to ask the police or the government to protect Black people’s rights, given that many people within the police and the government were...
Malcolm X
Was Malcolm X beneficial or detrimental to the black community?
Malcolm X's impact on the black community is debated. Supporters argue his advocacy for black nationalism and empowerment instilled pride and independence, challenging the need to conform to white...
Malcolm X
How do you start a literary analysis of Malcolm X's "Literacy Behind Bars"?
Begin with a hook, or engaging first sentence. Then give an introduction to the relevant rhetorical context and a thesis statement.
Malcolm X
What was Malcolm X's main accomplishment?
Malcolm X's main accomplishment is the authorship of The Autobiography of Malcolm X, published in 1965. This work is considered one of the most important books of the 20th century, maintaining the...
Malcolm X
What personal qualities made Malcolm X a successful reader and learner?
If a teacher wants students to get engaged with Malcolm X's autobiography, they should model the same behaviors that Malcolm exhibited in his own learning experiences. The first is modeling...
Malcolm X
How did Malcolm X's identity change throughout his life?
Malcolm X's identity evolved significantly throughout his life. Initially involved in crime, his identity shifted during his imprisonment when he embraced the Nation of Islam (NOI), adopting its...
Malcolm X
Why was Malcolm X killed?
Malcolm X was likely killed due to his break from the Nation of Islam, which saw him as a threat to Elijah Muhammad's authority and the organization's influence. After leaving the group, Malcolm's...