Luigi Pirandello Criticism
Pirandello, Luigi (Drama Criticism)
- Introduction
- Biographical Information
- Major Works
- Critical Reception
- Principal Works
- Author Commentary
- Overviews And General Studies
- Critical Commentary
- Henry Iv
- Further Reading
Pirandello, Luigi (Short Story Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Stories from Pirandello
- The Short Stories of Pirandello
- Luigi Pirandello, 1934 Nobel Prize Winner
- Pirandello, Novelist and Short-Story Writer
- A review of The Medals, and Other Stories
- Italy and England Appear in New Fiction
- Pirandello in Retrospect
- Introduction to Short Stories
- Some Words for a Master
- The Near Tragic
- Pirandello between Fiction and Drama
- 1910-16. Renewal
- Pirandello's Haunted House
- The Jests of Love and Death
- Life and Form in Pirandello's Short Prose: An Existential Atmosphere
- A Remark on Silence and Listening
- Pirandello's Notion of Time
- Pirandello's Short Story 'La Rosa' as a Work of Art
- Luigi Pirandello as Writer of Short Fiction and Novels
- Nature as Structural-Stylistic Motive in Novelle per un anno
- Women's Marginality and Self-Obliteration in Some of Pirandello's Novelle
- Further Reading