Chapter 12 Summary & Analysis
Ralph, scraped and bloodied, approaches Castle Rock carefully. He glimpses the boys atop the fort. Seeing that they are feasting on pig, Ralph figures that he has time to retreat to safety and eat. He reflects that his relationship with Jack has achieved a state of pure animosity, with slim chance of reconciliation. When he arrives at the fruit trees, the littluns there are frightened of his ragged appearance and they scatter. Ralph returns to the shelters, which he finds empty. With no other plan, Ralph begins to walk back to Castle Rock.
Ralph stumbles into the clearing where the pig’s head stands skewered on the stake; by now the head is pure skull. He imagines it grinning at him, as if it “knows all the answers and won’t tell.” Ralph strikes the skull, knocking it down and splitting it in two so that its grin widens upward at the sky.
Ralph arrives again at the base of Castle Rock at nightfall. He meditates on his outcast state, realizing that it would be impossible to attempt a truce. He hears the sounds of feasting and notices that the two boys on sentry duty must be Samneric. He carefully climbs up the rock and gets their attention by whispering their names. He frightens the two boys but reassures them, saying, “‘I came to see you two.’” Samneric encourage Ralph to leave and tell him that they were violently forced to join Jack’s tribe. They tell Ralph that Jack plans to gather his tribe to hunt down Ralph the next day. Ralph tells Samneric that he plans to hide in the nearby thicket, and they give him some meat. Ralph asks, “‘What are you going to do when you catch me?’” They reply, “‘Roger sharpened a stick at both ends.’”
Ralph wonders about the stick sharpened at both ends as he slips down to the nearby thicket, scouts out a concealed place to sleep for the night, and settles in. At first light Ralph wakens and hears the sounds of Jack’s tribes issuing ululations as their hunt for Ralph begins. Nestled in the deep thicket, Ralph waits calmly as the tribe passes on. Then he hears the low sound of Jack’s voice speaking urgently to Samneric, asking them, “‘He meant he’d hide in here?’” Ralph realizes that the twins have reported his location. He prepares for contact but knows he is well defended. He hears a cry from the top of Castle Rock as the boys unleash a rock that crashes down and tumbles through the undergrowth, followed by an enormous boulder that nearly flattens Ralph in its course.
As the boys begin to edge into the clearing, Ralph stabs at them with his spear, keeping them at bay. Smoke begins to pour upward; the boys have lit the foliage on fire. Ralph sees an opening into the jungle and, attacking a painted boy standing in the way, darts into the trees and sprints frantically along a pig-run. As he escapes he hears the ululations of the boys approaching in a long line, evenly spaced across the width of the island, sweeping through the jungle in their hunt for Ralph. Exhausted, crashing through the dense trees, Ralph tries to formulate a plan. His options are to crash through the line of boys as a startled pig would, climb up a tree, or find a hiding spot. As the line of boys draws near, he finds a low, densely covered patch and hides himself, spear in hand.
The fire has spread into the main jungle and begun to devour the entire island in a forward crawl, causing the sky to fill with smoke. As both the fire and the line of boys get closer, Ralph braces himself. He notices one boy a few yards away walking his direction. In his limited field of vision, he can see the boy’s weapon—a stake sharpened at both ends—and legs drawing closer. The boy stares directly into the dark patch where Ralph lies; Ralph screams and launches himself at the boy, knocking him to the ground. He sprints forward and confronts the wall of flaming trees. He veers right and begins running toward the beach, with the conflagration raging to the left. With Jack’s tribe trailing him, he runs down onto and along the shoreline, watching as the forest and the shelters of the original camp erupt in flames. Ralph stumbles, rolls in the sand, and collapses.
When Ralph looks up, he finds himself confronting the white cap, revolver, and uniform of a naval officer. The officer studies Ralph carefully as his boat and crew wait in the water behind him. The officer asks if there are any grown-ups, to which Ralph shakes his head. Jack’s tribe has come to a stand-still just down the beach and now look silly with their body-paint and sticks. Seeing them, the officer says, “‘Fun and games[…] We saw your smoke. What have you been doing? Having a war or something?’” Ralph nods and when the officer asks whether any were killed, Ralph replies, “‘Only two. And they’ve gone.’”
The officer agrees to take the boys off the island, but when he asks how many there are, Ralph does not know. The officer is outwardly disappointed with the boys’ confusion, disorganization, and overall squalor. He expresses his expectation that British boys ought to act according to higher standards. Studying the wreckage of the island and the huge fire and thinking about the deaths of Simon and Piggy, Ralph begins to weep, joined by some of the other boys. Ralph weeps “for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy.”
By chapter 12, the boys have almost entirely sided with Jack, thereby slipping from civilization to savagery. Aside from a few littluns, Ralph is the only remaining boy who is unmoved by Jack’s vicious rhetoric and leadership. As he remarks, he is an outcast “‘‘Cos [he] had some sense.’” The other boys with such “sense” are either dead (Simon and Piggy) or forced into Jack’s tribe (Samneric). Among Jack’s tribe, any pretenses of civil or fair behavior are gone. Accountable to no law, they embark on a barbaric hunt for Ralph with the supposed aim of feasting on his flesh as if he were a pig, rather than a fellow boy.
Indeed, the final two chapters document what happens when the “beast”—revealed in chapter 8 to be the spirit of brute violence and chaos—takes over and guides events. In a key encounter, Ralph happens upon the pig skull in in the jungle clearing and bashes it twain. The skull, which had embodied the “Lord of the Flies” in Simon’s presence, represents the “beast.” With its cryptic grin and morbid visage, it stands for the savagery that Ralph is against, and so he destroys the thing.
The fire that Jack’s tribe starts both expresses and represents the destructive spirit that has come to consume the boys after the conch and its promise of order were dashed. The fire is both a product of and symbol for their savagery. Just as the fire sweeps wildly across the island, threatening to destroy the entire landscape, the boys’ savagery aims to mindlessly destroy everything: Ralph, the entire natural landscape, and, by extension, themselves. It seems that the entire island, including the boys, would be eradicated were it not for their sudden rescue.
It is by a twist of fate that the all-consuming fire becomes the very beacon the boys have struggled to raise since their arrival on the island. Just as the tribe’s pursuit of Ralph approaches its culmination, the hunt is broken up by the presence of the naval officer. In a sense, the officer is an example of the literary device of deus ex machina, which literally means “God from the machine” and occurs when a figure or event intervenes just in time to prevent an immanent calamity—in this case, Ralph’s butchery at the hands of Jack, Roger, and the rest of the boys.
The British officer, proper in comportment and dress, reveals the contrast between the civilization from which the boys came and the savagery to which they have descended. His bewilderment and disappointment deepen the contrast. Ralph’s tearful breakdown in the novel’s final lines emphasizes that the tragic events that have unfolded on the island hold real and lasting significance.
Expert Q&A
At the end of Lord of the Flies, which three boys do not leave the island?
The boys who don't make it off the island at the end of Lord of the Flies are Simon, Piggy, and the boy with the mulberry-colored birthmark. The group of hunters kills Simon in their frenzied excitement over the hunt. Roger kills Piggy by rolling a boulder onto him. The boy with the mulberry-colored birthmark is implied to have died in the forest fire.
In chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies, what does Ralph say when the twins refuse to help him?
In chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies, when Ralph asks the twins to help him, they do not actually refuse. He tells Samneric that he will be in the thicket and to keep the other boys away from his hiding place. When he asks what will happen if he gets caught, one of them states, "Roger sharpened a stick at both ends." That is the end of their conversation.
What does Ralph do to the pig's head at the end of Lord of the Flies?
At the end of Lord of the Flies, Ralph encounters the pig's head, now a skull, and is filled with fear and rage. In his frustration, he punches the skull, breaking it into two pieces, but this act serves no real purpose other than widening its grin. Ralph then takes the stick that the head was mounted on, holding it like a spear, as he retreats to protect himself from Jack's hunters.
How does the naval officer view Jack in chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies? Why do the other boys weep?
The naval officer views Jack with amusement at first when he believes the boys are simply playing a game of war on the island. The officer then feels ashamed of the boys for their lack of responsibility and discretion. Ralph and the others begin sobbing when they reflect on their immoral behavior and are overcome with grief, shame, remorse, and guilt. Their tears encompass the traumatic, harrowing experience they have endured, which has dramatically transformed their lives.
In chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies, what escape options did Ralph consider?
In chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies, Ralph considers three escape options: climbing a tree, breaking through the hunters' line, and hiding in hopes they will pass by. He ultimately decides to hide, but this plan fails when the hunters set a fire to flush him out. Ralph is eventually rescued by a naval officer.
Why does Ralph claim he's in charge in Chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies?
In Chapter 12, Ralph claims he's in charge when confronted by a British naval officer because he feels responsible for the island's dire conditions. As the elected chief, Ralph acknowledges his poor decisions and the chaos that ensued, realizing he shares blame with Jack and the others for their descent into savagery. This admission signifies Ralph's maturation and acceptance of his own inherent wickedness, highlighting his growth and understanding of responsibility.
How do the boys attempt to extract Ralph from the thicket in Lord of the Flies?
To extract Ralph from the thicket, Jack's hunters form a line to search the forest, but Ralph eludes them. Jack then coerces Samneric into revealing Ralph's location and has his hunters roll boulders into the thicket. When this fails, they set the thicket on fire to smoke him out. Ralph is forced to flee as the forest burns, ultimately escaping to the beach where a naval officer intervenes, saving him.
Why is the officer embarrassed at the end of chapter 12 in Lord of the Flies?
The officer is embarrassed at the end of chapter 12 because Ralph is crying, which he finds improper for British school boys. He mistakenly believes the boys were merely playing, unaware of the true horrors they experienced. His focus on the "trim cruiser" and distancing from the boys' emotions highlights his detachment and the persistent savagery in the world they will return to.
Why can't Percival remember his name in Chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies?
Percival's inability to remember his name in Chapter 12 symbolizes the boys' complete loss of civilization and innocence. Initially, his ability to recite his personal information connects him to his past and civilized life. As time passes on the island, this connection fades, reflecting the boys' descent into savagery and the erosion of their learned morals and manners, culminating in Percival's memory loss.
In chapter 12 of Lord of The Flies, what beliefs does Ralph hold about the tribe and himself?
In Chapter 12, Ralph struggles with the belief that the tribe has become savages, distinct from their former identities as boys. He hopes they might let him go or accept him back, imagining he could rejoin them by declaring peace. However, he ultimately recognizes the harsh reality that he is an outcast and the tribe will not stop until he is dead, revealing his deep despair and isolation.
In Chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies, what is ironic about Samneric's behavior?
In Chapter 12, the irony of Samneric's behavior lies in their shift from loyal supporters of Ralph to members of Jack's savage tribe. Despite their past allegiance, they now guard Castle Rock and even participate in the hunt for Ralph, whom they once admired. This change highlights their succumbing to the "nameless authority" of evil, as they become what they once despised, showing the corrupting influence of fear and power on their morals.
In Chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies, why does Golding use the second person point of view?
Golding uses the second person point of view in Chapter 12 to delve into Ralph's chaotic thoughts, enhancing the reader's connection to his mental state. This technique allows Ralph to internally converse with himself, including recalling Simon's words, which adds depth to his psychological turmoil. It also strategically shifts the narrative focus to Ralph's perspective, setting the stage for the climactic encounter with the naval officer seen through Ralph's eyes.
Why is the British officer's statement in chapter 12 of Lord of the Flies considered hypocritical?
"I should have thought that a pack of British boys...would have been able to put up a better show than that."
The British officer's statement is considered hypocritical because he criticizes the boys for their descent into savagery, implying that British boys should behave better. This is ironic given that he himself is part of a naval destroyer engaged in a world war, demonstrating that adults, including the British, are also capable of violence and chaos. His ignorance of the boys' true experiences and his own role in global conflict underscore this hypocrisy.
In Lord of the Flies chapter 12, why can it be said that Ralph wasn't truly rescued?
Ralph wasn't truly rescued because he realized the loss of innocence and the darkness within human nature, even before the naval officer arrived. His despair stemmed from the collapse of order and his own participation in violence, such as Simon's murder. Despite returning to "civilization," Ralph understood that the civility of society is fragile and easily shattered, leaving him with a profound sense of disillusionment and awareness of humanity's capacity for brutality.
In Lord of the Flies, what did Ralph find when he hid in the thicket?
When Ralph hides in the thicket, he encounters the skull of the Lord of the Flies, now stripped clean by insects. This moment is significant as it symbolizes Ralph's confrontation with the evil within himself and the island. Despite feeling fear and anger, Ralph lashes out at the skull, only to make its grin appear larger, symbolizing how his struggle against evil inadvertently amplifies it, illustrating the novel's theme of inherent human savagery.
In Lord of the Flies, where does Ralph go after Piggy's death and the twins' capture?
After Piggy's death and the twins' capture, Ralph flees into the jungle to hide, initially believing the hunters might leave him alone. He eats fruit and encounters Simon's old hiding place with the Lord of the Flies. Overcome by fear and rage, Ralph strikes the pig's head. He later warns the twins, who urge him to escape. Ralph hides in a thicket but is forced out by fire, eventually encountering a British naval officer who rescues him.
The significance of the title "Cry of the Hunters" in Lord of the Flies
The title "Cry of the Hunters" in Lord of the Flies signifies the descent into savagery and the loss of innocence among the boys. It reflects the primal instinct and violence that emerge as the boys turn into hunters, ultimately leading to chaos and tragedy on the island.
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