Looking Backward Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Recent American Fiction
- Why I Wrote Looking Backward
- How I Wrote Looking Backward
- Review of Looking Backward, 2000-1887
- Introduction to Looking Backward: 2000-1887
- Edward Bellamy and the Spiritual Unrest
- Edward Bellamy: Utopia, American Plan
- Midwestern Populist Leadership and Edward Bellamy: 'Looking Backward' into the Future
- A Centenary Reconsideration of Bellamy's Looking Backward
- The Polarity of Individualism and Conformity, a Dynamic of the Dream of Freedom, Examined in Looking Backward.
- Form and Reform in Looking Backward
- Foreign Policy and the American Self Image: Looking Back at Looking Backward
- ‘Dynamite in Disguise’: A Deconstructive Reading of Bellamy's Utopian Novels
- The Literary Domestication of Utopia: There's No Looking Backward Without Uncle Tom and Uncle True
- Catching Up with Edward Bellamy
- Utopian Evolution: The Sentimental Critique of Social Darwinism in Bellamy and Pierce
- The Awakening of Edward Bellamy: Looking Backward at Religious Influence
- Further Reading