Hyperbole, alliteration, metaphor, and anachronism: how well do you know your literary tropes? Discover the definitions of these terms and more with eNotes' Guide to Literary Terms Overview Quiz!
A character who experiences some sort of moral or spiritual growth has gone through?
Obvious exaggeration, like saying, "I can smell pizza a mile away," is an example of:
When a work of literature refers to another work of literature or historical event with the expectation that the reader will "get" the reference is known as:
What is the name for this use of writing style? "You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but that ain’t no matter.”
Iago opposes Othello and actively tries to destroy him. What is the name of this sort of character?
Oedipus is said to have suffered from excessive pride, also known as:
What term describes something that happens in one time period but the person or event truly belongs in another era?
In a plot, the "denouement" is also known as:
John Donne's line, "And take my tears, which are love’s wine," is an example of the use of:
"Their taut tails thrashing they twist in tribute to the titans" is an example of: