Kon Ichikawa Criticism
- Introduction
- 'The Burmese Harp'
- Japan: The Younger Talents
- Film Reviews in General Release: 'Odd Obsession'
- 'Odd Obsession'
- Film Reviews: 'Fires on the Plain' and 'Odd Obsessions'
- Screen: A Look at the Horror of War
- Inside and Outside
- Film Reviews: 'Enjo'
- 'Tokyo Olympiad'
- Film Reviews: 'Tokyo Olympiad 1964'
- Ichikawa
- The Skill beneath the Skin
- Film Reviews: 'Alone on the Pacific'
- 'An Actor's Revenge'
- Film Reviews: 'The Wanderers'
- Ichikawa and the Wanderers
- Joan Mellen
- Ichiban Ichikawa-San