Student Question

What are the differences and similarities in Goneril and Regan's speeches about their love for Lear?

Expert Answers

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*All quotes are taken from the Norton Shakespeare, based on the Oxford edition.

- Regan says Goneril "names my very deed of love" (I.i.70); therefore agreeing to everything Goneril mentioned.
- Both women express their love in the extreme: "A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable..." (Goneril, line 59). "I profess/Myself an enemy to all other joys..." (Regan, lines 71-72)

- Goneril mentions the love between father and daughter specifically: "As much as child e'er loved, or father found..." (57)
- Regan refers to Lear's social status rather than his parental status: "I am alone felicitate/In your dear highness' love." (74-75)

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