by Hernando Téllez
What literary device is used when the barber imagines the blood inching along the floor 'like a little scarlet stream'?
What literary device is used when the barber describes the sound the razor makes as it 'rasped along' the captain's beard?
What literary device is used when Captain Torres says, 'It's hot as hell'?
What secondary conflict does the barber consider in "Just Lather, That's All"?
During what period is "Just Lather, That's All" most likely set?
What does Captain Torres reveal at the end of the story?
What is the profession of the protagonist in "Just Lather, That's All"?
What is the main type of conflict faced by the barber in "Just Lather, That's All"?
What is the main theme of "Just Lather, That's All"?
Where does the story "Just Lather, That's All" take place?