Premium Lesson Plans and Activities
Julius Caesar eNotes Lesson Plan
by eNotes
Learning Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to explain the definitions of antagonist and protagonist and discuss Shakespeare’s development of these roles in Julius... -
Julius Caesar eNotes Teaching Guide
by eNotes
So you’re going to teach William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, a classic text that has been a mainstay in English classes for generations. Whether it’s the first or hundredth time you... -
Julius Caesar Close Reading Quiz
by eNotes
Read these passages from act II of Julius Caesar, and then answer the question that follows each passage. Refer to the passage in answering the question. Circle the correct answer to each... -
Julius Caesar Act 1 Scene 2 Dialogue Analysis Activity
by eNotes
Through dialogue, playwrights reveal a character’s motivations, personality traits, and relationships with other characters. Diction (word choice) plays an essential role in writing... -
Julius Caesar Character Analysis Lesson Plan
by eNotes
Portia and Calpurnia as Functional Characters: This lesson plan focuses on Portia and Calpurnia as minor characters whose primary functions are to enhance the dramatic impact of key scenes... -
Julius Caesar Act 3 Scene 1 Dialogue Analysis Activity
by eNotes
Through dialogue, playwrights reveal a character’s motivations, personality traits, and relationships with other characters. Diction (word choice) plays an essential role in writing... -
Julius Caesar eNotes Reading Response Prompts
by eNotes
As the play opens, people have gathered in the streets to celebrate Caesar’s returning to Rome in triumph. He has defeated Pompey, whom the crowds had cheered in the past. Do you think people... -
Julius Caesar Reading Comprehension Quiz
by Tessie Barbosa
This quiz contains reading comprehension questions for Julius Caesar.
Other Resources
Bell Ringers for Julius Caesar
by lffinj
Julius Caesar Test
by Donna Tanzer
I. True- False: A soothsayer warns Caesar to beware the Ides of March. Even before the conspiracy against Caesar, Brutus appears to be disturbed by fears that Caesar means to become King. Caesar... -
Julius Caesar Test
by Michael Stultz, M.A.
Paraphrasing exercise for Act 1 of Julius Caesar
by Ani McHugh
Julius Caesar Quiz Act One
by katemschultz
Multiple Choice. Why are the commoners celebrating at the beginning of Act I, scene i? A) It’s a holiday; B) They got a pay raise; C) Caesar defeated Pompey and is returning to the city; D)... -
Julius Caesar study packet
by Liz Kolbush
Julius Caesar Act III Lecture Note Fill-in Worksheet
by Hilah Marca
Julius Caesar Character Journal
by katemschultz
Character Journal Throughout our reading of Julius Caesar, you will be meeting many characters who may have names that are difficult to remember, let alone pronounce. To aid you in remembering the... -
Julius Caesar Act I scene 1+2
by mafesto
Julius Caesar Quiz Act Two
by katemschultz
On what day does Act II take place? A) March 15; B) February 14; C) March 1; D) October 19. What does Shakespeare use lack of sleep as symbol for? A) A desire to murder; B) An omen for bad... -
Julius Caesar Quiz Act Four
by katemschultz
What are Antony, Octavius and Lepidus doing at the beginning of Act IV? A) Deciding where to go to lunch; B) Counting their money; C) Making a hit list; D) Figuring out which of them is smartest,... -
Julius Caesar Soundtrack
by Stephanie Daniel
Julius Caesar: The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Your assignment as a group is to create a soundtrack to your movie version of Julius Caesar. Your finished project must include: At least two... -
Julius Caesar Introduction Power Point
by Camile Betances
William Shakespeare (baptized April 26, 1564 – died April 23, 1616) was an English poet and playwright widely regarded as the greatest writer of the English language, and the world's preeminent... -
Julius Caesar Research Project
by lffinj
Julius Caesar Essay Questions
by Susan Hurn
Julius Caesar test essays
by Donna Tanzer
Choose two of the following questions to answer in an extended paragraph or short essay of two to four paragraphs. (Longer and more developed essays will earn extra points to substitute for errors... -
Julius Caesar Act I Lecture Note Fill-ins
by Hilah Marca
Julius Caesar Project - Newspaper
by lffinj
Julius Caesar Act V Lecture Note Fill-in Worksheet
by Hilah Marca
Julius Caesar Pre-Reading Questions
by Hilah Marca
Plain English Julius Caesar Act I
by Stephanie Daniel
Act I, Scene 1: A street in Rome Flavius. Go home and quit playing around in the streets. Shouldn’t you workers be at work? You, what do you do? First Commoner. Why, sir, I am a carpenter.... -
Julius Caesar Test
by McKinstry Rose
All actors were (a) untrained (b) skilled in playing only one role (c) female (d) male. All of the following are true of the play except for (a) it is entirely factual (b) it is about a general... -
Julius Caesar Act II Lecture Note Fill-in Worksheet
by Hilah Marca
Julius Caesar Speech Comparison Activity
by Amanda Cordes
Julius Caesar Quiz Act Three
by katemschultz
Multiple Choice. Using CAPITAL LETTERS, choose the BEST answer for each question. 1 point each. Why do the senators all kneels before Caesar to beg for Publius Cimber reinstatement from exile? A)... -
Julius Caesar Synopsis
by Liz Kolbush
Plain English Julius Caesar Act II
by Stephanie Daniel
Act II, Scene 1: Brutus' orchard in Rome Brutus. Lucius! [Enter Lucius from the house.] Lucius. Did you call, my lord? Brutus. Get a candle and put it in my study, Lucius. When it is lit, come and... -
Julius Caesar Background
by katemschultz
GOVERNMENT Fully explain the difference between the following types of governments: a. Monarchy: b.Republic: c. Democracy What kind of government did the Roman Empire have under Trarquinius... -
Julius Caesar Persuasive Essay
by Janine Dellinger
Julius Caesar Persuasive Essay PROMPT: Knowing all you now know about Roman history, you are beingtransported back in time to the day of Caesar's assassination. Your assignment is to write an... -
Plain English Julius Caesar Act III
by Stephanie Daniel
Julius Caeser, Act III, Scene 1 [The senate sits on a higher level, waiting for Caesar to appear. Artemidorus and the Soothsayer are among the crowd. A flourish of trumpets. Enter Caesar, Brutus,... -
Julius Caesar Act Five Timeline
by katemschultz
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act V—Timeline Scene i Octavius Caesar and Marc Antony and their armies meet Brutus and Cassius and their armies at Philippi. (opening of Act V).... -
Julius Caesar Vocabulary
by Susan Hurn
Background Notes for Julius Caesar
by Stephanie Gregg
Julius Caesar Final
by Nichole Paul
Julius Caesar Quiz Act Five
by katemschultz
Where do the two armies meet at the beginning of Act V of Julius Caesar? A) Philippi; B) Sardis; C) Rome; D) Mukwonago. What does Antony know about the enemy’s troops? A) They’re all unmarried... -
Plain English Julius Caesar Act IV
by Stephanie Daniel
Act IV, Scene 1 [Enter Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus.] Antony. Then all these people will die, because their names are on our list. Octavius. Your brother must die too; do you agree, Lepidus?... -
Plain English Julius Caesar Act V
by Stephanie Daniel
[Enter Octavius, Antony, and their army.] Octavius. Now, Antony, our hopes are answered. You said the enemy would not come down, but instead would stay on the hills and high places. That turns out... -
Julius Caesar Act IV Lecture Note Fill-in Worksheet
by Hilah Marca
Modern English Translation of Julius Caesar, Act II, scenes 2-4
by Jamie Brown