Julio Cortázar

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Julio Cortázar Questions and Answers

Julio Cortázar

"House Taken Over" by Julio Cortázar explores themes of fear, invasion, and loss of control. The story follows siblings Irene and the narrator as they experience an inexplicable and gradual takeover...

6 educator answers

Julio Cortázar

In "House Taken Over," a brother and sister who live together in a large old house are first disturbed, then displaced by mysterious intruders.

2 educator answers

Julio Cortázar

One of the most interesting things about the first out-of-the-ordinary event that occurs in Julio Cortázar’s story is its lack of precision. Two siblings live in the house that is gradually...

1 educator answer

Julio Cortázar

In Meeting, the motif of nature highlights the themes of revolution and the transcending character of Luis/Fidel, one of the chief revolutionaries of the Cuban Revolution. The story begins with a...

1 educator answer

Julio Cortázar

In "A Very Old man with Enormous Wings," magical realism is used to veneer the inhumane treatment of a creature whose uniqueness is impossible to separate from the mundane. In "Letter to a Young Lady...

1 educator answer

Julio Cortázar

In some ways I guess you could say that this story shares many themes with a lot of the work of Julio Cortazar: it comments on life and urges us to make the most of it, and helps us to recognise...

2 educator answers

Julio Cortázar

Cortázar's short stories are great examples of "hijacked" realist fiction. Both "The Continuity of Parks" and "House Taken Over" incorporate elements of magical realism that cause us to question...

1 educator answer