Joseph Epstein Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- ‘Most Detestable of All Permitted Things.’
- Divorce Trauma
- Breaking Up
- Review of Familiar Territory
- Son of Making It
- A Craftsman Turned Booster
- The Fuel of Achievement
- Dirty Little Soporific
- Review of The Middle of My Tether
- Is ‘Aristides’ Just?
- A Regular Joe
- Not Sammy Davis, Les Dawson
- More News from Mr. Epstein's Neighborhood
- The Pleasure of Their Company
- Payment in Full
- Problems of Identification
- Vessels of Consciousness
- Paid in Full
- The Metropolitan Spirit
- Chicago Stories
- Barbs and Bards
- Joseph Epstein's Pantheon
- Review of With My Trousers Rolled
- The Heat and the Intimacy
- Review of With My Trousers Rolled
- First Person Singular
- Reading Joseph Epstein
- A Good Man to Have Around
- Coming Up Smarter
- Literary Culture and Its Watchdogs
- Conversations with a Good, Smart Friend
- Sexy Wits
- Who's He?
- Not Our Kind, Dear
- Feeling Superior: Looking Down Is the Best Revenge
- The Greatest of These Is Love
- Ungifted and Unbeautiful
- Bungling on Side in America
- Fabulous Small Jews
- Review of Envy
- Fabulous Small Jews
- Joseph Epstein: Combating Gross National Ennui
- Further Reading
Criticism by Joseph Epstein
The Literature of Exhaustion
Jorge Luis Borges Criticism
Hazlitt's Passions
William Hazlitt Criticism
Wise, Foolish, Enchanting Lady Mary
Mary Wortley Montagu Criticism
How Good Is Gabriel García Márquez?
Gabriel García Márquez Criticism
John Updike: Promises, Promises
John Updike Criticism
Father Knows Best
V. S. Naipaul Criticism
Too Much Even of Kreplach
Nadine Gordimer Criticism
What Does Philip Roth Want?
Philip Roth Criticism
Malamud in Decline
Bernard Malamud Criticism
The People's Poet
Carl Sandburg Criticism
Reading Montaigne
Michel de Montaigne Criticism
Our Debt to I. B. Singer
Isaac Bashevis Singer Criticism
Why John Irving Is So Popular
John Irving Criticism
The Sunshine Girls
Joan Didion Criticism
Monsieur Proust's Masterwork
Marcel Proust Criticism
La Rochefoucauld: Maximum Maximist
La Rochefoucauld Criticism
Surfing the Novel
Jonathan Franzen Criticism
Fabulous Small Jews
Joseph Epstein Criticism
Enfant Terrible
Malcolm Muggeridge Criticism
Surfing the Novel
Richard Russo Criticism
Is Fiction Necessary?
Rosellen Brown Criticism
The Great Hack Genius
Ben Hecht Criticism
The Sunshine Girls
Renata Adler Criticism
Is Fiction Necessary?
Jonathan Baumbach Criticism
Too Much Even of Kreplach
Mark Harris Criticism