Izaak Walton Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Introductory
- Izaak Walton as Author of Love and Truth and Thealma and Clearchus
- Izaak Walton
- Izaak Walton and The Arte of Angling, 1577
- The ‘Almost Incredible Story’ of George Herbert
- Historical Doubts Respecting Walton's Life of Donne.
- Art and Structure in Walton's Life of Mr. George Herbert
- A ‘recreation of a recreation’: Reading The Compleat Angler
- Izaak Walton's Lives in the Nineteenth and the Early Twentieth Century: A Study of a Cult Object
- The Compleat Angler's ‘Baite’; or, The Subverter Subverted
- Altering the Life-Text: Walton's Life of Donne
- ‘Study to Be Quiet’: Genre and Politics in Izaak Walton's Compleat Angler
- Time in Walton's Lives
- Introduction to Izaak Walton: Selected Writings
- Walton's Fame and Influence
- Further Reading