Howard Zinn

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Howard Zinn Questions and Answers

Howard Zinn

The immediate impact of Brown v. Board of Education was that schools had to be integrated. The Supreme Court gave no guidelines on how to achieve this. The federal government intervened to uphold the...

1 educator answer

Howard Zinn

Howard Zinn argues that the American Revolution was not truly a revolution. It was primarily the upper-class white male colonists who gained more freedom from Britain after the war for independence.

1 educator answer

Howard Zinn

Howard Zinn advocated looking at history from the perspective of the oppressed, or "victim," in order to gain a fuller understanding of human nature and society. This is especially important when it...

2 educator answers

Howard Zinn

In the first chapter, “Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress,” Howard Zinn reveals the murder and brutality committed by the Christopher Columbus expeditions and the English settlers. Zinn also...

2 educator answers

Howard Zinn

Howard Zinn criticizes cliometricians like Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman for relying heavily on statistics to understand history, which he believes neglects the human experience and emotional...

1 educator answer

Howard Zinn

The white elite controlled the end of slavery to maintain economic and social power. According to Zinn, government-led emancipation allowed limits on freedom that preserved exploitation of African...

1 educator answer