The House of Bernarda Alba

by Federico Garcia Lorca

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What are two names the daughters call their house in Act II of The House of Bernarda Alba?

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In Act II, Poncia, the servant, says, "Fate has decreed I serve this convent!" The house is like a convent because the daughters have been denied suitors and must remain virgins until they're married. They are just like nuns in a convent. It is Poncia who is aware of the problems the daughters are going to have with Angustias' marriage. Bernarda denies there is trouble in the house, believing her control over her daughters is so strong that she can take care of any problems that might arise.

Angustias, the daughter who is set to marry Pepe, expresses her feelings about the house when she says, "Fortunately, I will soon be out of this hell." Bernarda controls every aspect of her daughters' lives. The daughters are frustrated and jealous because they aren't allowed to have a life or even to expect that they will ever have a life. Their lives are constantly filled with jealousy, frustration, and anger.

Even in Act III, Poncia tells Bernarda that "Your daughters live as if they were kept in a cupboard," implying that each of them is so closely watched by Bernarda so they will not bring any disgrace upon Bernarda and the family name.

Besides the information at enotes, there is also a site that gives you the English translation of the play. Scroll down a little when you get there.

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