Hard Times Criticism
- Introduction
- A letter to Charles Eliot Norton on June 19, 1870
- Dickens's Hard Times
- The Radical
- Hard Times
- Introduction to Hard Times
- "Bleak House" and Social Reform
- Dickens's Shadow Show
- Hard Times: An Analytic Note
- Critique of Materialism-Criticism: Hard Times
- Addenda: The Sports of Plenty
- Hard Times-Dickens's Masterpiece?
- Hard Times: A History and a Criticism
- "Hard Times" and F. R. Leavis
- The Brother-Sister Relationship in Hard Times
- The Rhetoric of Hard Times
- Fettered Fancy in Hard Times
- Hard Times: A Note on the Descriptive Titles of Its Books
- Hard Times
- Hard Times and the Condition of England
- Hard Times: The News and the Novel
- The Late Novels
- The Meaning of Dickens
- Polyphony and Problematic in Hard Times
- Hard Times: 'Black and White'
- Writing as a Woman: Dickens, Hard Times, and Feminine Discourses
- Further Reading