Hamlet Criticism
Hamlet (Vol. 59)
- Introduction
- Criticism: Overviews And General Studies
- Criticism: Character Studies
- Criticism: Gender Issues
- Criticism: Language And Imagery
- ‘Ower Swete Sokor’: The Role of Ophelia in Hamlet
- Criticism: Thematic Roles
- Further Reading
Hamlet (Vol. 71)
- Introduction
- Criticism: Overviews And General Studies
- Criticism: Character Studies
- Criticism: Production Reviews
- Criticism: Themes
- Further Reading
Hamlet (Vol. 82)
- Introduction
- Hamlet and Counter-Humanism
- Polonius, Our Pundit
- Criticism: Production Reviews
Criticism: Themes
- ‘It Is No Novelty for a Prince to Be a Prince’: An Enantiomorphous Hamlet
- ‘A Springe to Catch Woodcocks’: Proverbs, Characterization, and Political Ideology in Hamlet.
- Hamlet and Friendship
- ‘It begins with Pyrrhus’ (2.2.451): The Political Philosophy of Hamlet
- ‘Vows to the Blackest Devil’: Hamlet and the Evolving Code of Honor in Early Modern England
- Doing Nothing
- Hamlet's Neglect of Revenge
- Further Reading
- The Last Mystery
- Hamlet and the Scottish Succession
- Mourning and Misogyny: Hamlet, The Revenger's Tragedy, and the Final Progress of Elizabeth I, 1600-1607
- The First Quarto of Hamlet: Reforming Widow Gertred
- Hamlet and A Matter Tender and Dangerous
Hamlet (Vol. 35)
- Introduction
- Overviews
- Madness
- Revenge
- Characterization
- Imagery
- Further Reading
- Hamlet (Vol. 37)
- Nobler in the Mind: The Dialect in Hamlet
- Hamlet's Ear
- Grinning Death's-Head: Hamlet and the Vision of the Grotesque
Hamlet (Vol. 44)
- Introduction
- Overviews
- Psychoanalytic Interpretations
- Gender Issues
- Hamlet And His Dilemma
- Secondary Characters
- Further Reading
- Framing Ophelia: Representation and the Pictorial Tradition
- The 'Heart of My Mystery': Hamlet and Secrets