Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby Quiz

Daisy Buchanan might be one of literature's most famous female characters, but while she glitters, the reader steadily discovers she is not gold. Gatsby might pine for her, but it doesn't take long to figure out that his idolatry is undeserved. She has been, if not outright cruel, dismissive and inattentive, to her marriage, her daughter, and the man who has pined for her affections for years. While Daisy could not prevent Gatsby's mooning, she has a hand in the tragedy that is to come. Be sure you understand Daisy's motivations as she interacts with Gatsby and other characters by taking our exclusive, interactive quiz to Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby. Rank your score against others and see how you compare. What have you got to lose? Nothing! What do you have to gain? A better grade!

  1. Who assumes responsibility for the death Daisy causes?

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  2. Who does Daisy accidentally kill?

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  3. What is the most important thing in Daisy's life?

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  4. True or False: Daisy was never happy in her marriage to Tom

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  5. Where is Daisy originally from?

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  6. What does Daisy discover about Tom?

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  7. How do Nick and Daisy know each other?

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  8. Nick says Daisy's voice is "full of _____________."

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  9. Where is Gatsby when Daisy decides to marry Tom instead?

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  10. Does Daisy live in East Egg or West Egg?

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