Graphic Novels Criticism
- Introduction
- Representative Works
- Criticism: Overviews And General Studies
Criticism: Critical Readings Of Major Works
- Comic Books for Grown-ups
- Maus and Other Topics
- The Dark Knight Reborn
- Review of Watchmen
- History and Talking Animals: Art Spiegelman's Maus
- ‘You Can Do Anything with Words and Pictures’: Harvey Pekar's American Splendor
- Gotham's Dark Knight: The Postmodern Transformation of the Arthurian Mythos
- Blind Daring: Vision and Re-vision of Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrranus in Frank Miller's Daredevil: Born Again
- Guilt and the Unconscious in Arkham Asylum
- Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
- Epic Comics: Neil Gaiman's Sandman
- Of Parents and Children and Dreams in Neil Gaiman's Mr. Punch and The Sandman.
- Moore and Gibbons's Watchmen: Exact Personifications of Science
- Visualizations of Cyber-Gothic Bodies in William Gibson's Trilogy and the Art of the Graphic Novel
- Looking Inside Out: The Vision as Particular Gaze in From Hell.
- Criticism: Reviews Of Recent Graphic Novels
- Further Reading