Garrison Keillor Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- The Distance Between Gopher Prairie and Lake Wobegon: Sinclair Lewis and Garrison Keillor on the Small Town Experience
- Leaving Home
- Goodbye, Garrison
- Narrative Strategies in Garrison Keillor's 'Lake Wobegon' Stories
- The Frog Prince
- Lake Wobegon: Mythical Place and the American Imagination
- Ordinary Folks, Repulsive and Otherwise
- Static on the Page
- Why Is Marriage Like the Electoral College?
- Five Ways of Looking at Aprille (with Apologies to Wallace Stevens): Analysis of Storytelling in the Twenty-First Century
- Boys Will Be Boys
- Two Authors Grade the Inner Guy
- The Construction of Feminine Spectatorship in Garrison Keillor's Radio Monologues
- Further Reading