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The central conflict and its elements in Marlowe's 'Doctor Faustus'


The central conflict in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus is Faustus's internal struggle between his ambitious quest for power through dark magic and the salvation of his soul. Key elements include his pact with Mephistopheles, his growing sense of despair as he realizes the consequences, and the tragic resolution where he is ultimately damned for his hubris and refusal to repent.

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What is the central conflict in Marlowe's 'Doctor Faustus' between Renaissance individualism and Christian orthodoxy?

In Europe in the early days of Christianity, society began to change from the days of ancient Greece and Rome with the infusion of newfound religious doctrine. The religious focus, especially in Western Europe, was polytheistic. Both the ancient Greek and Roman cultures studied morality, sought knowledge and truth, and attempted to learn the mysteries of life and nature. The ancient cultures worshiped a variety of gods they created to explain and explore the meaning of things existent in their societies. They performed rituals and held festivals honoring their gods. What did not exist was a uniform set of religious principles or beliefs that people were expected to follow in order to act properly in ancient societies.

With the advent of Christianity and monotheism, European societal focus shifted to Christian orthodoxy or newly established religious tenets. The conformity of social customs became grounded in the beliefs of the Church during the Middle Ages. Citizens of the era looked to the spiritual God for guidance in their lives. Societies, laws, and politics were centered on Christian values and ethics. The concept of individualism existed, but was limited to the acceptance of the principle that humans were able to choose between good and evil. The ultimate destiny of one’s soul depended upon whether a person followed God’s plan for man’s freedom. People were expected to yield to divine will in their actions, although they were technically free to choose to stray from religious beliefs at their own peril.

The religious climate and moral philosophy changed with the approach of the Renaissance Era. The hostility toward individual expression outside of formal religion weakened and the idea of human individuality began to prevail. Renaissance individualism was founded on the belief of humanism. This new system of thought shifted societal focus to the common needs of human beings rather than spiritual issues and divine intervention in human activities. While European Renaissance citizens maintained their belief in the spiritual God and Christian principles, they once again turned to Ancient Greek and Roman thought that concentrated on individual people.

Thus, Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus was forced to deal with the clash between established Christian orthodoxy and the new Renaissance individualism. Marlowe’s tale is the story of that conflict.

In the opening Chorus of the play, Faustus seals his fate. Marlowe introduces the theme of free will. In his desire to gain all the knowledge and power in the universe, the protagonist enters the realm of black magic:

Till swoln with cunning, of a self-conceit,

His waxen wings did mount above his reach,

And, melting, heavens conspir'd his overthrow;

For, falling to a devilish exercise

Ultimately, he chooses to bargain with Lucifer through Mephistophiles who offers the proposal by stating,

“Faustus, I swear by hell and Lucifer/To effect all promises between us made!” Faustus agrees and replies, “Ay, take it, and the devil give thee good on't!”

Faustus deviates from the organized Christian doctrine favored in his society and opts for his bargain based on the philosophy of individualism. At the end of the drama, the protagonist realizes all is lost. His deviation from Christianity has doomed him to hell. He loses his soul.

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What are the elements of conflict in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus?

Dr. Faustus is riven with internal conflict throughout the play. He craves worldly fame and success and is prepared to sign up to a devilish bargain in order to obtain them. Yet he never feels completely comfortable with the deal he's made. He's always worried that, however powerful he becomes on earth, however wealthy, famous, or renowned, his mortal soul is in danger of eternal damnation. But still Faustus presses on with his headlong quest for godlike power until it's too late to turn back.

In relation to magic, Faustus is all powerful, but when it comes to his impending doom, he is utterly powerless. Thanks to his diabolical deal with the forces of darkness, Faustus is materially strong but spiritually weak. His plaintive cry of impotent despair encapsulates this:

When I behold the heaven, then I repent, And curse thee, wicked Mephistophilis, Because thou hast deprived me of those joys.

Torn between two competing impulses, Faustus is caught in a trap from which he cannot escape. What's worst of all is that he wants to repent, yet somehow cannot:

My heart's so harden'd. I cannot repent.

These sad, pathetic words capture the tragedy of Faustus in a nutshell. His soul is in deep spiritual conflict, a conflict that can only be resolved by his utter damnation.

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What are the elements of conflict in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus?

One central conflict in this play is the battle for the soul of Faustus and the way that he throws himself willingly down the path towards total damnation rather than taking the opportunities he has to repent when he has those chances. This struggle is interestingly presented through the presence of the Good and Evil Angels, who both try to get Faustus to heed their warnings and blandishments. However, by the end of the play, in spite of the many opportunities Faustus has had to repent, his systematic ignoring of God and of repentance means that he has passed the point of no return. Note how he recognises this in his final speech from Act V:

The stars move still, time runs, the clock will strike,
The devil will come, and Faustus must be damned.
O I’ll leap up to my God! Who pulls me down?
See, see where Christ’s blood streams in the firmament!
One drop would save my soul, half a drop: ah my Christ—
Ah, rend not my heart for naming of my Christ;
Yet will I call on him—O spare me, Lucifer!

Here, Faustus recognises that "half a drop" of Christ's blood would be enough to save him through the self-sacrificial work of Christ's death on the cross. However, he realises that "Faustus must be damned" and there is no escape. Note the reference to stars moving and clocks ticking indicating the inevitability of this process. The conflict for his soul is one that has ended with victory for Lucifer. This is a very interesting concept, as the play presents Faustus as a man who is damned whilst still alive. Christianity argues that people have a chance to repent up until their death, but the play ultimately appears to be more tragic than the Christian world view, as it presents the audience with a man who has to face the fact that he is damned whilst still alive. The confict for his soul has ended, and he has to face unimaginable horrors lasting for all eternity.

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