Eustache Deschamps Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Deschamps and the Lyric as Natural Music
- Deschamps's Art de dictier
- Deschamps' Art de dictier and Chaucer's Literary Environment
- Rhetoric and the Rise of Public Poetry: The Career of Eustache Deschamps
- Transgression, Contamination, and Woman in Eustache Deschamps's Miroir de mariage
- The Female Voice of the Male Poet: Eustache Deschamps' Voix Féminiśe
- Deschamps and Comedy
- Eustache Deschamps in the Forest of Folklore
- Eustache Deschamps and the Course of Life
- Medicine and Music, Hygiene and Poetry: L'art de dictier Revisited
- Beyond Dietetics: The Use of Language of Food and Drink in the Allegorical Battles of Eustache Deschamps
- The Theatricality of Marriage in Two Late Medieval Narrative Texts
- Further Reading