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Essays Questions on Thesis


A good essay features a clear and concise thesis, coherent structure, strong argumentation, and substantial evidence. It should have an engaging introduction, well-organized body paragraphs, and a...

5 educator answers


A good topic sentence for an argumentative essay effectively combines a thesis statement that includes both the subject and the argument. For instance, "The character of Lennie in Of Mice and Men...

2 educator answers


A good thesis statement for A Streetcar Named Desire could focus on the theme of illusion versus reality, such as: "Tennessee Williams develops a theme of the opposing forces of illusion and reality...

3 educator answers


The difference between a title and a thesis statement is that the title gives a hint of the essay's content and grabs attention, while the thesis statement makes a claim or takes a stand, controlling...

3 educator answers


A good thesis statement about the inhumanity of concentration camps in the Holocaust should be unique, evidence-based, and challenge common perceptions. Consider focusing on specific aspects like the...

4 educator answers


Writing a good essay for grade 12 English depends on identifying the type of essay and ensuring that your thesis and development address the characteristics of that type. Argumentative, persuasive,...

3 educator answers


A suitable thesis for an Early Childhood Education paper should narrow down the broad topic to a specific focus and include an opinion. Possible thesis ideas include exploring gender differences in...

2 educator answers


A good thesis statement about true friendship should clearly express a point of view, supported by evidence and examples, on what constitutes true friendship. It should identify important traits such...

1 educator answer


To identify and support a thesis in a short story, focus on the central theme or idea, often referred to as the story's message. Although "thesis" may suggest an argument, short stories typically...

1 educator answer


A strong thesis statement for an essay on college athletics should reflect a topic you care about and can support with facts, such as the financial aspects, coaching practices, or academic...

3 educator answers


Do NOT start with a thesis. Start with a clever hook and then state your thesis.

4 educator answers


A strong thesis for an argumentative essay on public vs. private schools depends on your stance. For public schools, consider: "Even though private education offers smaller class sizes, public...

3 educator answers


To formulate a thesis statement about dreams, relate them to their importance, effects on theocratic views, and depiction in Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" by stating a clear, debatable opinion. For...

3 educator answers


The Maze Runner exemplifies key elements of dystopian fiction, such as persistence, bravery, and the challenges of corporate and technological control. The protagonist, Thomas, embodies these traits,...

1 educator answer


A specific thesis statement on anorexia nervosa should make an argument rather than stating a fact. It can follow a two-sided format, such as: "Although anorexia nervosa is one of many eating...

2 educator answers


When comparing local and imported food, three main points favoring local food include supporting local economies, ensuring fresher produce, and promoting health by avoiding GMOs and chemicals....

3 educator answers


The structural elements of an essay include the introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction contains a "motivator" and a thesis statement, outlining the main points. The body consists of...

2 educator answers


To write an introduction and conclusion for a cause and effect essay about homelessness, start with a hook to engage the reader, followed by a thesis statement summarizing the main causes. Include a...

2 educator answers


An essay on cyberbullying should begin with a clear thesis, such as highlighting cyberbullying's unique challenges and detrimental effects compared to traditional bullying. The essay can define...

1 educator answer


Authors develop themes in literature by depicting characters' responses to moral, physical, or psychological dangers, which reflect broader thematic concerns. For example, in The Chrysalids, David...

3 educator answers


Sentences 3 and 4 do not form a strong thesis statement for a persuasive essay as they are two separate sentences and do not clearly convey the main argument. A thesis should be a single, clear...

2 educator answers


To start an essay on power relations, first narrow your focus by developing a thesis around a specific aspect. Consider exploring how power is exercised by individuals or groups, using postmodern...

1 educator answer


To write a persuasive essay on abortion, start with a strong thesis statement that clearly outlines your position. Use logical arguments supported by credible evidence and address counterarguments to...

3 educator answers


An essay's conclusion serves to encapsulate the main arguments, restate the thesis in a fresh way, and leave a memorable impression. It should be a powerful, creative paragraph that convinces the...

4 educator answers


Thesis ideas for research papers and essays on the history and effects of cell phones can explore the evolution of mobile technology, the impact of cell phones on social interactions, and their...

1 educator answer


Writing a research paper typically follows MLA or APA format, depending on the discipline. Start with a clear thesis statement in the first paragraph, usually its last sentence. Each subsequent...

1 educator answer


A well-thought-out introduction is important because it will get your audience's attention and keep them interested in the message of your piece. An introduction should contain a hook, supporting...

1 educator answer


To prepare for an in-class essay without a prompt, focus on mastering a basic essay outline that can be adapted to any topic. Start by deconstructing the prompt upon receiving it, carefully...

1 educator answer


An effective introduction should prepare the reader by providing background information, setting the tone, and outlining the essay's structure, including subtopics if applicable. The conclusion...

2 educator answers


Writing an essay involves several key steps: selecting a topic, formulating a thesis statement, and outlining the essay structure, which typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a...

11 educator answers


A strong thesis statement for an illustration essay on American symbols could focus on how the meanings of these symbols have evolved over time. For example, the peace symbol, once associated with...

2 educator answers


A conclusion in a text or film analysis essay should synthesize all preceding arguments into a unified statement about the thesis. It should restate the thesis, summarize the proof provided, and...

2 educator answers


A plan statement is similar to a thesis statement and serves as an introductory summary or preview of a procedure or task to be accomplished. It outlines the objectives and reasons for the plan. The...

1 educator answer


A thesis for an argumentative essay supporting the existence of paranormal phenomena could assert that these phenomena have been consistently reported across various cultures and historical periods,...

2 educator answers


Effective essay writing is guided by questions that focus on audience and clarity. Before drafting, students should consider their audience's characteristics, informational needs, and effective...

2 educator answers


To craft an effective essay introduction, start by clearly defining your topic and thesis. Use prewriting techniques like brainstorming to narrow your focus. Begin the introduction with an...

2 educator answers


To effectively restate the thesis in a conclusion, reiterate it to reinforce that you have supported your argument throughout the paper without introducing new information. Use variation and...

1 educator answer


To write an engaging introduction for an essay on charity, start with a "hook" such as a thought-provoking question, quote, or anecdote. Clearly state your thesis, which could express a positive view...

1 educator answer


Starting an essay with bulleted statements can make it resemble a PowerPoint presentation rather than a traditional essay, potentially impacting its perceived depth and formality. While it may help...

2 educator answers


An eleventh-grade essay should present a unified and arguable thesis, narrow enough to be thoroughly explored within the assignment's scope. It should be well-supported by evidence and consider...

2 educator answers


A persuasive essay introduction on school dress codes should clearly define your position with a strong thesis statement. Avoid ambiguity by choosing a definite stance. Use techniques like opening...

1 educator answer


To argue for or against smartphone use in schools, start with a clear thesis statement. If arguing for use, state benefits like educational tools. If against, cite issues like unequal access. Support...

1 educator answer


A strong thesis for "Sonny's Blues" should be arguable and insightful, moving beyond mere plot summary. It should focus on the deeper themes, such as Baldwin's portrayal of inner turmoil or societal...

1 educator answer


The false statement about writing academic essays is that the content should be general and focus on summary. Essays are specific, have a clear purpose, and do not merely summarize works. They aim to...

1 educator answer


To start an essay on future aspirations, use an engaging hook, such as a personal anecdote or vivid scene. Begin by immersing the reader in the future scenario, like the bustling environment of a...

2 educator answers


Main characters often learn a lesson in a story as a means to demonstrate personal growth or transformation, which can provide deeper insights for the reader. This concept can be developed into a...

1 educator answer


An argumentative essay is a formal academic piece that presents a debatable thesis supported by well-founded evidence. It requires objective argumentation, withholding personal opinion until the...

2 educator answers


To effectively include aspirin in an essay's closing paragraph, summarize the main points discussed, possibly by rephrasing the thesis. Conclude with a "clincher" that ties back to the introduction,...

2 educator answers


In a five-paragraph essay on "Why do we write?", the introduction should present the topic and thesis, outlining three reasons for writing. The body paragraphs should explore each reason, such as...

2 educator answers


Effective strategies for concluding an essay include summarizing the main points, restating the thesis in a new way, and providing a final thought or call to action. It's important to leave a lasting...

3 educator answers