Themes and Meanings

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The historical Merrick was born with Proteus syndrome (not the inherited disorder neurofibromatosis as has been suggested). Although never named by his doctors or mentioned in the play, the disease is central to Merrick’s biography and Bernard Pomerance’s drama. Proteus syndrome created the extreme deformities of face and form that gave Merrick his cruel nickname and led to his virtual enslavement as a sideshow curiosity.

Throughout his tenure at the hospital, Merrick builds an elaborate scale model of St. Phillip’s Church. The model is the play’s dominant symbol, for it represents Merrick’s attempt to reconstruct himself in a form that will be seen as beautiful by those he hopes to please. Merrick recognizes himself and others as actors, all playing roles. He plans his social role as carefully as he plans his model. Merrick says of himself and the model: “I did not begin to build at first. Not till I saw what St. Phillip’s really was. It is not stone and steel and glass; it is an imitation of grace flying up and up from the mud. So I make my imitation of an imitation.”

Another theme, the arbitrary distinction between deviance and normality, is brought home in scene 12, titled “Who Does He Remind You Of?” In this scene, the main characters comment on the character traits they recognize in Merrick. Mrs. Kendal sees him as gentle, feminine, cheerful, honest, a serious artist, “almost like me.” Bishop Walsham How proclaims Merrick religious and devout, while Gomm thinks Merrick a practical man, like himself. Treves describes Merrick as curious, compassionate, and concerned about the world, “rather like myself.” The scene ends with Merrick adding a piece to his model of St. Phillip’s, as if adding another stone to the fragile edifice of normality and acceptance he is building for himself.

Throughout the play, Merrick’s inner nature emerges. In sharp contrast to those around him, he is kind, patient, loving, and sympathetic. He is a deep thinker and philosopher, seeing what others cannot and expressing what others dare not. For example, when Gomm fires a hospital porter for staring at Merrick, Merrick considers the punishment harsh, but Treves insists that Gomm is a merciful man. “If your mercy is so cruel,” asks Merrick, “what do you have for justice?”

The themes of vulnerability and exploitation pervade the story. Merrick is victimized but escapes the scars of victimization through the strength and beauty of his inner being. Ross, on the other hand, is greed personified. He exploits any person or situation that he can, without concern for the toll his avarice takes on himself or others. Treves, by far the most complex character in the drama, is both exploiter and exploited. While he takes advantage of Merrick, he himself is taken advantage of by a society that rewards those who play by the rules with fame and success, while at the same time stripping them of their integrity and conscience.

On the surface, the play is about Merrick, but the lesson the audience takes home comes from Treves. He despairs that his society is sick with the social “deformities” brought on by “unlimited resources and the ruthlessness of privilege.” His own success in such a milieu plagues him, and he is sick at heart. He recognizes that his charity is self-serving and patronizing. His angst makes the audience wonder whether they, like Treves, wear a mask of civility to conceal their own contorted souls.


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Last Updated September 6, 2024.

Alienation and Loneliness
Due to his condition, Merrick is entirely cut off from normal society: initially in the freak show,...

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and later, in his quarters at London Hospital. When Treves encounters him, he is treated as a spectacle and desperately needs companionship.

Despite Treves' good intentions, Merrick remains isolated at the hospital. Treves often views him more as a subject for study rather than a friend. The budding friendship between Kendal and Merrick is shattered when they grow too close. When she is expelled, Merrick feels even more alone—now acutely aware of what he is missing, which breaks his heart.

In a society that idolizes beauty, Merrick is an outcast: his appearance is so grotesque and disfigured that people flee from him in terror. He provides a stark contrast to the beautiful Mrs. Kendal, whose humanity surpasses her physical beauty. She sees beyond his deformity and recognizes the beauty of Merrick’s soul.

Creativity and Imagination
Merrick finds solace in his artwork. Alone in his hospital room, he begins to sketch St. Phillip’s. There is a beauty in his art that Merrick believes is absent from his life. Although his body has betrayed him, Merrick’s mind reveals hidden talents.

When Merrick arrives at Liverpool Station, he is attacked by mobs of people driven by fear—afraid of what they might become and terrified of a disease they do not understand.

Treves has his own fears. Like many Victorians, Treves fears sexuality and what it represents: the loss of control and the embrace of emotion.

Because Merrick is visibly different and incites fear in the public, his movements are heavily restricted. The hospital is supposed to be a safe haven, but Merrick sacrifices freedom for safety. When Mrs. Kendal is expelled, Merrick is powerless: he cannot make decisions and relies on Treves to invite her back. True freedom for Merrick comes only with death, when he is liberated from his physical constraints.

Human Condition
Treves sees Merrick as a mirror of his own humanity and tries to impose his values and beliefs on him. In doing so, he overlooks that Merrick is a human being with his own needs. Each person who visits Merrick sees him as a reflection of their own values.

Mrs. Kendal describes Merrick as gentle, cheerful, honest, and almost feminine—qualities she sees in herself. The Bishop believes Merrick is religious and devout—mirroring the bishop’s own traits. Gomm thinks Merrick is practical and grateful for his blessings—just like Gomm. The Duchess perceives Merrick as discreet—just as she is. Even Treves falls into this pattern, thinking Merrick is curious, compassionate, and concerned with the world—just like Treves himself.



