The Elephant Man Questions and Answers
The Elephant Man
What is the theme of "The Elephant Man"?
One of the major themes is the inhumanity with which people treat others who are different. John Merritt is kind and cares about the world, but others see him as an animal because he looks...
The Elephant Man
Who are the main characters in The Elephant Man and how would you describe them?
The central character of The Elephant Man is John Merrick. He suffers from a condition called Proteus Syndrome and he is hideous to behold with large growths growing out of his head. ...
The Elephant Man
How does John Merrick's church building serve as a central metaphor in The Elephant Man?
Merrick struggles throughout the play to find a normal life, given the enormous growths on his head that lead to him being part of a freak show for much of his early life. He is taken...
The Elephant Man
What literary techniques are used in The Elephant Man?
"The Elephant Man is classified as a melodrama, which are plays in which the plot offers a conflict between two characters who personify extremes of good and evil." Merrick is the extreme of good...
The Elephant Man
What allegories are present in The Elephant Man?
Allegories can be seen in The Elephant Man on several levels. Merrick's personal story can be viewed as an allegory of Christ. A more general sense of allegory occurs in the action of the play as a...
The Elephant Man
What relationship does Princess Alexandra define in Scene 11 of The Elephant Man?
Bernard Pomerance's play The Elephant Man concerns the historical Joseph Carey Merrick, incorrectly referred to as John Merrick in the play, who developed extreme deformities after birth due to...
The Elephant Man
How are the ambitions of Frederick Treves and Carr Gomm revealed in the first scene?
1. The first scene begins in the office of Carr Gomm, administrator of London Hospital, who is interviewing Frederick Treves, a doctor who has just completed his medical training and is about to...
The Elephant Man
What is the theme tune from the movie "The Elephant Man"?
The song is also titled "Adagio for Strings",Opus 11 by the American composer Samuel Barber. It was also used in the Oliver Stone film "Platoon". If you go to iTunes and search for "Adagio for...