Edwin Arlington Robinson

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Edwin Arlington Robinson

"The Mill" by Edwin Arlington Robinson evokes a sense of despair and hopelessness. The poem's dark and somber tone, along with its vivid imagery, conveys the tragic fate of a miller and his wife,...

2 educator answers

Edwin Arlington Robinson

Edwin Arlington Robinson's poem "How Annandale Went Out" primarily explores the theme of healthcare, specifically the limitations of it and the role of physicians when they can no longer alleviate a...

1 educator answer

Edwin Arlington Robinson

Richard Cory is envied by the town because he embodies qualities that many desire: he is handsome, well-dressed, charming, and "richer than a king." His demeanor is polite and engaging, making him a...

1 educator answer

Edwin Arlington Robinson

For "Richard Cory," critical questions include examining the contrast between Cory's outward appearance and inner life, exploring themes of envy and societal perception, and analyzing the poem's...

2 educator answers

Edwin Arlington Robinson

The tone of the poem "Luke Havergal" by Edwin Arlington Robinson is somber, brooding, dark, and haunting. There are numerous phrases throughout the poem that exemplify this.

1 educator answer

Edwin Arlington Robinson

Looking at two of E.A. Robinson's best-known, poems, "Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy," the reader can see his use of rhyme scheme and stanza form. In these two poems, he uses a simple, set rhyme...

1 educator answer

Edwin Arlington Robinson

A Formalist critical approach best describes "Richard Cory" by Edwin Arlington Robinson. This method emphasizes analyzing the poem's form and meaning without considering external influences like the...

1 educator answer

Edwin Arlington Robinson

"The Mill" is naturalistic in conveying indifference to the two suicides it describes. For example, the wife decides to drown herself by reasoning that the water "Though ruffled once, would soon...

1 educator answer