David Lynch Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Portrait of the Monster as a Human Being
- Undaunted Moral Strength—The Elephant Man's Story
- Monstrous
- Review of The Elephant Man
- Dune Is Slow Going but Apt to Stick in the Mind
- Review of Dune
- ‘Don't Look at Me!’: Woman's Body, Woman's Voice in Blue Velvet.
- Review of Wild at Heart
- Nothing to Declare
- Desire under the Douglas Firs: Entering the Body of Reality in Twin Peaks
- Heaven Knows, Mr. Lynch: Beatitudes from the Deacon of Distress
- The Knowing Spectator of Twin Peaks: Culture, Feminism, and Family Violence
- Twin Peaks and the Television Gothic
- Telling Inside from Outside, or, Who Really Killed Laura Palmer
- Early Lynch—Eraserhead
- Postmodern Allegory and David Lynch's Wild at Heart
- Lynching Women: A Feminist Reading of Twin Peaks
- Naked Lynch
- Voodoo Road
- Review of Lost Highway
- Review of Lost Highway
- David Lynch Plays It Straight.
- Character as Destiny
- Review of Straight Story
- Life in the Slow Lane
- Life in the Slow Lane
- Getting Straight
- Review of The Straight Story
- Trading Faces
- In Dreams Begin Responsibilities
- Babes in Babylon
- LA Confident
- Further Reading