David Hume Questions and Answers

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David Hume

When David Hume describes human nature as a "bundle of perceptions," he means that individual consciousness consists solely of sensory experiences and impressions. Hume, an empiricist, rejected the...

3 educator answers

David Hume

David Hume states that reason is and should be the slave of passions in Treatise on Human Nature, and by this he means that what is considered "reasonable" is subjective and ultimately relies on...

1 educator answer

David Hume

Hume's "bundle theory" posits that the self is not a stable entity but a collection of perceptions linked by experience. This challenges Descartes's "Cogito" by rejecting the idea of a distinct,...

1 educator answer

David Hume

David Hume's view of liberty and necessity changed over time. In his A Treatise of Human Nature, he put forward a hard determinist position, describing the doctrine of liberty as a “fantastical...

1 educator answer

David Hume

Hume argues that moral ideas cannot be derived from reason because the initial impulses behind moral norms arise from the emotions. Reason is what allows individuals to put moral norms into practice...

1 educator answer

David Hume

David Hume, in the quote, is examining the extent to which justice should apply to beings he considers "inferior." He describes a rational species weaker than humans, suggesting they should be...

1 educator answer

David Hume

It is an illusion to think that we have a permanent sense of self. This illusion results in suffering, but it can be eliminated through enlightenment.

1 educator answer