D. H. Lawrence Criticism
Lawrence, D(avid) H(erbert)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Review of Love Poems and Others
- The Georgian Poet: 1909-1919
- The Poetry of D. H. Lawrence
- Barbed Wire and Coming Through
- The Earthly and the Definite
- Review of The Complete Poems of D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence's Three Strange Angels
- Reflections on Lawrence
- Toward ‘Thingness’: Cézanne's Painting and Lawrence's Poetry
- The Banal, and the Poetry of D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence's ‘Future Religion’: The Unity of Last Poems
- The Bright Doorway
- The Poetry of D. H. Lawrence
- Early Poetry
- Lawrence's ‘After the Opera’
- D. H. Lawrence's Mother as Sleeping Beauty: The ‘Still Queen’ of His Poems and Fictions
- Lawrence's ‘Mystic’
- Last Poems: final thoughts
- Further Reading
Lawrence, D. H. (Short Story Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- The Otherness of D. H. Lawrence's ‘Odour of Chrysanthemums’
- Spirit, Place and Psyche: Integration in D. H. Lawrence's ‘The Man Who Loved Islands’
- D. H. Lawrence and Tradition: ‘The Horse Dealer's Daughter’
- Totem and Symbol in The Fox and St. Mawr
- ‘The Prussian Officer’: A Lawrentian Allegory
- D. H. Lawrence's Early Masterpiece of Short Fiction: ‘Odour of Chrysanthemums’
- Complexities of Gender and Genre in Lawrence's The Fox
- The Art of Survival: Narrating the Nonnarratable in D. H. Lawrence's ‘The Man Who Loved Islands’
- England, My England as Fragmentary Novel
- ‘These Were Just Natives to Her’: Chilchui Indians and ‘The Woman Who Rode Away’
- Narrative Voice and Point of View in D. H. Lawrence's ‘Samson and Delilah’
- Illness and Wellness in D. H. Lawrence's The Ladybird
- St. Mawr: Lawrence's Journey Toward Cultural Feminism
- ‘We've Been Forgetting That We're Flesh and Blood, Mother’: ‘Glad Ghosts’ and Uncanny Bodies
- A Trio from Lawrence's England, My England and Other Stories: Readings of ‘Monkey Nuts,’ ‘The Primrose Path,’ and ‘Fanny and Annie’
- The Short Fiction: Metaphor and the Rituals of Courtship
- ‘The Man Who Loved Islands’: A Lacanian Reading
- ‘England, My England’: Lawrence, War and Nation
- Dubious Progress in D. H. Lawrence's ‘Tickets, Please’
- Pan and the Appleyness of Landscape: Dread of the Procreative Body in ‘The Princess’
- The Pact with the Genius Loci: The Prussian Officer
- Ritual Sacrifice in ‘The Woman Who Rode Away’: A Girardian Reading
- Further Reading
Lawrence, D. H. (Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Look! We Have Come Through
- The Melodic Line: D. H. Lawrence
- Mr. D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence as Poet
- D. H. Lawrence and Expressive Form
- An introduction to D. H. Lawrence: Selected Poems
- The Poetry of D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence's Philosophy as Expressed in His Poetry
- Lawrence's Collected Poems: The Demon Takes Over
- Peace and Passivity: The Poetry of D. H. Lawrence
- Comment: Reflections on Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence's Last Poems
- 'Secret Sin': Lawrence's Early Verse
- D. H. Lawrence and the Resources of Poetry
- The Psychological Dynamics of D. H. Lawrences's 'Snake'
- Hymn to Priapus: Lawrence's Poetry of Difference
- D. H. Lawrence's Uncommon Prayers
- 'Not I, but the Wind That Blows Through Me': Shelleyan Aspects of Lawrence's Poetry
- D. H. Lawrence, Major Poet
- D. H. Lawrence—The Poetry
- Further Reading