illustration of a seaside fortress with waves crashing against the rocky shore

The Count of Monte Cristo

by Alexandre Dumas père

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The Count of Monte Cristo Questions on Mercedes

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The Count of Monte Cristo

In The Count of Monte Cristo, Albert de Morcerf is not the son of Edmond Dantès. He is the son of Fernand Mondego (the Count de Morcerf) and Mercédès, Edmond Dantès' former sweetheart. The novel...

1 educator answer

The Count of Monte Cristo

Albert's parents in "The Count of Monte Cristo" are Fernand Mondego, also known as the Count de Morcerf, and Mercedes. Fernand is a decorated French soldier and the mortal enemy of Edmond Dantès, the...

1 educator answer

The Count of Monte Cristo

After Dantes is jailed, Mercedes marries Fernand to provide a father for her son, Albert, though she remains unaware of Fernand's role in Dantes' imprisonment. Despite marrying for her son's sake,...

1 educator answer

The Count of Monte Cristo

Edmond Dantes would not write Mercedes a letter while in prison because he would be aware that anything he wrote could potentially ruin his ultimate revenge on all who wronged him.

2 educator answers

The Count of Monte Cristo

Mercedes and Mondego are cousins with a complex relationship marked by unrequited love and betrayal. Mercedes loves Edmund Dantes, rejecting Mondego's advances. Jealous, Mondego conspires against...

1 educator answer

The Count of Monte Cristo

Mercedes falls into Fernand Mondego's trap because he deceives her into believing that Edmond Dantès, her fiancé, is dead. Fernand, who desires Mercedes, frames Edmond as a traitor, resulting in...

1 educator answer

The Count of Monte Cristo

1. Key the themes and characters in your book using different colors 2. Use the key to annotate your text as you read 3.

2 educator answers