What stage of letumosis is Peony in when Cinder finds her in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?
What law is Cinder arrested for violating in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?
Why does Adri send androids after Cinder in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?
What happens to Peony in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?
What does Cinder tell Peony to encourage her to drink the antidote in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?
Why does Cinder switch off her comm link in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?
Why does Cinder attack and disable a med-droid in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?
What does Cinder do when the med-droid refuses to back down in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?
Why is the quarantine warehouse more crowded in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?
Why does Cinder think she is in trouble when the androids arrive in Chapter 27 of 'Cinder'?