Christopher Hitchens Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- An Island Divided
- Sacrilege in the Temple of Clio
- Come and Get 'em
- The Foe in Plain View
- Still Playing Happy Families
- Precious Stones
- On Losing One's Marbles
- How England Taught Us Imperialism
- How Bad Will It Get?
- Drool Britannia
- A Very Ironic Relationship
- A Myth for a Myth
- Sins and Omissions
- Sustaining the Atlantic Provinces
- Further Left
- Prepared for the Worst
- The Special Relationship
- Hitchens Rehabilitated?
- Hitchens's Trotskyists
- Blood, Class, and Nostalgia
- The Slaying of a Hypothesis by an Ugly Fact
- A Dandy Defender of Freedom
- Why Calcutta?
- Vanity Fair's Anarchist
- Against It
- A Greek in Rome
- Gentle Arrogance
- All Made of Faith and Service
- The Messianic Atheist
- Review of The Missionary Position
- The Shadow Saint
- Two Names Worried a Stricken Saint
- An Interview with Christopher Hitchens on Mother Teresa
- Christopher Hitchens
- Plunder Blunder
- Washington Diarist—Sid Unvicious
- Bungled Assassinations with a Verbal Blunderbuss
- Humpty-Dumpty
- Hubristic Hitch
- The Sinner's Tail
- Clinton's Lies Stopped at Hitchens' Door
- Mendacious Flowers
- How Central Heating Made Us Bad
- One Man's War Criminal
- Comrades, Leave Me Here a Little
- Not Letting the Cup Pass
- Show Us the Papers, Hitchens
- Only Obeying Orders
- Further Reading
Criticism by Christopher Hitchens
The Great American Augie
The Adventures of Augie March Criticism
Pulp Politics
Primary Colors Criticism
The Egg-Head's Egger-On
Saul Bellow Criticism
Something for the Boys
Tom Clancy Criticism
The Life and Work of Paul Johnson
Paul Johnson Criticism
O'Brian's Great Voyage
Patrick O'Brian Criticism
Potter's Field
Dennis Potter Criticism
Acts of Violence in Grosvenor Square
Tariq Ali Criticism
The Cosmopolitan Man
Gore Vidal Criticism
Citizen Howard Fast
Howard Fast Criticism
What She Wanted
Gail Sheehy Criticism
Born-Again Conformist
Norman Podhoretz Criticism