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Chemical similarities and differences between gasoline and fat


Both gasoline and fat are hydrocarbons, composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen atoms. However, gasoline consists of smaller, more volatile molecules, making it a liquid at room temperature and highly flammable. Fat molecules, or triglycerides, are larger and less volatile, typically solid or semi-solid at room temperature, and serve as long-term energy storage in biological organisms.

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What is the chemical similarity of gasoline and fat?

Gasoline is a mixture of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates contain the elements carbon and hydrogen that form a covalent compound. As the number of carbon atoms in a carbohydrate changes, so do its physical properties. The carbohydrates that gasoline is made up of contain between 4 and 12 carbon atoms. This gives it the boiling point it has and its viscosity.

Fats are made up of carboxylic acids (which are covalent compounds containing hydrogen, carbon and oxygen) that are linked together by molecules of glycerol.

The basic chemical similarity between gasoline and fats is that they are created by groups of several covalent compounds that primarily contain carbon and hydrogen; though fats also contain oxygen.

They have both been created by living organisms. Gasoline is derived from petroleum which is a product of plants that lived millions of years ago.

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How are gasoline and fat chemically similar? In spite of these chemical similarities, how are they different in their chemical properties?

Gasoline and fat are chemically similar in that they are essentially hydrocarbons, or chemical compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen covlently bonded together.  "Pure" gasoline is obtained by breaking down and distilling off lower boiling hydrocarbons from crude oil.  Most of the hydrocarbon chemical compounds in gasoline have between 4 and 12 carbons that can be either a linear straight chain or branched configurations.  Fats are composed of a central glycerol base with three different fatty acids attached to each of the glycerol oxygens.  The fatty acids are composed of long linear chains of hydrocarbons that can vary in length depending on the fat. 

In spite of this similarity, fats and gasoline are obviously different in terms of properties.  Gasoline is a free flowing liquid with essentially no viscosity (it doesn't stick to the walls of a container).  Fats are either oily liquids or soft solids depending on the degree of unsaturation of the fatty acid chains (in other words the number of carbon carbon double bonds present).  Also, gasoline is obviously extremely flammable to the point of being explosive, whereas fats are simply flammable but pose no explosive danger.

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