Charles Questions on First P.T.A. Meeting


At the P.T.A. meeting in "Charles," Laurie's mother eagerly anticipates meeting Charles's mother to discuss his behavior. However, she is shocked to learn from the teacher that there is no Charles in...

4 educator answers


Laurie's parents were eager to meet his kindergarten teacher to learn more about "Charles," a troublesome classmate Laurie frequently mentioned. They were curious about Charles's misbehavior, which...

1 educator answer


"Charles," a short story by Shirley Jackson, is set in a typical American household in the late 1940s. It revolves around Laurie, a mischievous kindergarten boy who invents tales about a classmate...

1 educator answer


After the PTA meeting, Laurie's parents would likely discuss the revelation that Laurie himself was "Charles," the troublemaker he described from school. The dialogue would involve Laurie's mother...

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