Charles Questions on Irony


Key literary elements and devices in Shirley Jackson's "Charles" include irony, foreshadowing, and characterization. Irony is evident as Laurie's tales about Charles's misbehavior are actually...

7 educator answers


In the short story "Charles," the author uses various types of figurative language including imagery, irony, metaphor, and repetition. Imagery is used to paint a vivid picture of Laurie's...

1 educator answer


```xhtml Shirley Jackson uses dramatic irony in "Charles" by making the reader aware that Laurie is describing his own misbehavior through stories about a fictional classmate named Charles, while his...

3 educator answers


The humor in "Charles" is created through the use of irony and the unreliable narration of Laurie. Laurie's parents are oblivious to the fact that their son is the mischievous "Charles" they hear...

3 educator answers


The story "Charles" creates an ironic twist by revealing that Charles, the mischievous child Laurie describes from school, doesn't exist. Laurie tells detailed stories about Charles's bad behavior,...

1 educator answer


Laurie's mom didn't realize Laurie was Charles because she was in denial about her son's behavior, seeing him as a "sweet-voiced nursery-school tot" rather than a misbehaving child. Laurie created...

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