Charles Bukowski Criticism
- Bukowski, Charles (Vol. 9)
- Bukowski, Charles (Vol. 5)
- Bukowski, Charles (Vol. 2)
Bukowski, Charles (Vol. 108)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Paying for Horses
- The Pock-marked Poetry of Charles Bukowski: Notes of a Dirty Old Mankind
- The Bukowski/Purdy Letters
- Mirror of Ourselves: Notes on Bukowski's Post Office
- Charles Bukowski and the Avante-Garde
- Bukowski's Hollywood
- Hollywood
- Cries of pain from a man of letters
- Death Comes for the Detective
- Bum steered
- Lady Death and Aliens from the Planet Zaros
- Sex, Women, and Irony
- Gab Poetry, or Ducks vs. Nightingale Music: Charles Bukowski
- The Bukowski/Purdy Letters, A Decade of Dialogue
- Pulp
- Further Reading
Bukowski, Charles (Poetry Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Variety in Verse
- Charles Bukowski: Poet in a Ruined Landscape
- A review of Poems and Drawings
- Charles Bukowski and the Savage Surfaces
- A review of Poems Written Before Jumping Out of an 8 Story Window
- Dangling in the Tournefortia
- A review of War All the Time and Horses Don't Bet on People & Neither Do I
- Notes on a Dirty Old Man
- Bukowski Unbound
- Further Reading
Bukowski, Charles (Short Story Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Criticism
- Further Reading