illustration of a clergyman with Canterbury cathedral behind him

The Canterbury Tales

by Geoffrey Chaucer

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The Canterbury Tales Characters

The main characters in The Canterbury Tales include the Wife of Bath, the Pardoner, and the Monk.

  • The Wife of Bath is a colorful, opinionated woman who has outlived five husbands. She tells a tale of a knight who must discover what women truly desire.
  • The Pardoner is a greedy, hypocritical clergyman who profits by taking donations for his spiritual services and fake holy relics.
  • The Monk is a supposedly religious man who prefers a life of luxury to one of poverty and prayer.

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The Wife of Bath

The Wife of Bath is arguably the most colorful, well-known character in The Canterbury Tales. She is almost larger than life with her bright red clothing and bright red face. This opinionated woman never hesitates to say exactly what she thinks. After all, she has manipulated five husbands (and outlived them) to become a successful, independent businesswoman. Yet the Wife asserts that she prefers to be married. In fact, she is ready to defend marriage if anyone contradicts her, and she has the proof for her position, too. She will have no virginity. Rather, she has made her husbands work long and hard to keep her satisfied. She would, however, agree with the conclusion of her story that what a woman wants most is to make her own choices in life.

The Pardoner

The Pardoner is a shyster extraordinaire, and he is proud of it. A pardoner is specially designated to offer the sacrament of confession to people in many locations, and this Pardoner does that, but for a price. He hypocritically preaches against greed while his whole focus is on obtaining donations through his fake relics and spiritual services that are meant to be freely given. The relics are nothing more than animal bones and random pieces of cloth. They have no legitimacy at all, and neither does the Pardoner. He does not care, however. He is living life on his own terms no matter what anyone thinks.

The Monk

Monks are supposed to be men of prayer who choose lives of poverty, chastity, and obedience in order to save their souls and help save the souls of others. Chaucer’s Monk, however, is exactly the opposite of this ideal. He prefers hunting to prayer, fine clothing and horses to poverty, good food to self-denial, and entertainment to study. The Monk lives the life of a noble layman rather than a devout religious. Perhaps he should find a warning in his own tale of how those in high positions can easily fall far and lose everything.

The Friar

The Friar likes money and ladies. He enjoys singing in taverns and wearing nice clothing. These are not characteristics of a devout friar who, in imitation of founders like Saint Dominic and Saint Francis, seeks and even loves poverty. The Friar is also a man quick to fall into a rivalry with the Summoner, telling his tale out of spite and contention to deliberately insult his fellow pilgrim.

The Summoner

The Summoner is a lusty rascal who quickly enters into rivalry with the Friar and tells his tale specifically as an insult. He is a profane man in spite of his high position as court official for the church. A summoner is designated to call people to court to answer for their crimes, but this particular Summoner is more interested in earning a bribe. He puts on a show of knowing Latin and the law, but he is far more concerned with food and drink. His corrupt appearance with his blotchy face mirrors his corrupt nature.

The Knight

The Knight is a noble man and an example of chivalry and courage. He has fought victoriously in many wars, yet he shows no haughty pride. In fact, his clothing and armor are rather ragged. He is not the bright, polished knight in shining armor, for he has just come from the field, and he is more interested in making his pilgrimage than in presenting a fine form. His shabbiness may even be a type of penance. The Knight’s story is stately and chivalrous, matching his character and conduct with its high moral tone and reflective nature.

The Prioress

The Prioress is a dainty person, and she seems devout with her story of the young martyr and his song to the Virgin Mary. Yet the narrator suggests that the Prioress is often distracted from her religious life. She loves the courtly life and seeks to imitate its manners, conscientiously eating and drinking as a proper lady and putting on airs about her little dogs. Her sensitivity is somewhat overdone, for she cries even at seeing a mouse caught in a trap, and the state of her clothing and rosary beads hints at pretension to courtliness.

The Parson

Of all the pilgrims, the Parson may be the most truly devout. He is a simple priest determined to care for his flock to the best of his ability. He sacrifices himself to teach and care for the people, and he chooses mercy over harsh judgment. While he sometimes speaks many words, as his “tale” (or treatise) on penitence shows, he also teaches by his example. He is, the narrator asserts, someone who practices what he preaches.

The Clerk

The Clerk has the air of an absentminded scholar who focuses on his studies to the exclusion of just about everything else. He will not get a secular job, the narrator says, so he relies on his friends for his living. He does not, however, behave in any ostentatious manner. In fact, he is rather shabby and quiet, perhaps with his mind more on Aristotle than on the stories told.

The Franklin

The Franklin enjoys setting a good table and living life to the fullest. The narrator calls him an Epicurean, meaning that he puts sensory pleasure above all else. It is perhaps a good thing, then, that he is a fairly wealthy man. He also seems to appreciate the recognition that comes from holding various offices, and this could mean that part of the Franklin’s addiction to pleasure involves a thirst for honor.

The Miller

The Miller is a crude man with a rather bad temper. He has a passion for drink and a rivalry with the Reeve. The Miller is a rude fellow who cuts in front of the Monk to tell his story, arrogantly thinking that he can match the Knight’s noble tale. What he relates, however, is anything but noble, and it reveals his low, rough character.

The Reeve

The Reeve is a dishonest fellow who seems to delight in cheating his young lord and in provoking the Miller. His tale is geared specifically toward taunting his rival as he tries to get even for the Miller’s tale about the carpenter, who shares the Reeve’s profession. Interestingly, the Reeve wears a rusty sword, perhaps suggesting that his character is more than a little “rusty” (i.e., morally disfigured) as well.

The Host

The Host, Harry Bailey, is an innkeeper and the one who suggests the story contest. He is also the self-proclaimed judge of tales and mediator of disputes. The Host never hesitates to express his opinion, even stopping Chaucer himself in the midst of his story to complain about his horrible rhymes and telling the Monk that he is so bored by his tale that he might just fall off his horse. The Host is also quick to express approval and emotion, and he declares that he needs a stiff drink after the sadness of the girl’s fate in the Physician’s story.

Chaucer the Narrator

Chaucer himself appears as a character in The Canterbury Tales. He narrates the collection and even pokes some fun at himself with his failed rhyme of Sir Thopas, which is really quite bad. Chaucer the narrator is an observant fellow, who is quick to capture the characters of his fellow pilgrims.

Expert Q&A

What is the social class of the Wife of Bath in The Canterbury Tales?

The Wife of Bath in The Canterbury Tales is of the merchant class. She earns her wealth through her business as a cloth maker and has been married and widowed five times, allowing her to own her business. Her elaborate clothing and extensive travels indicate her success and wealth, distinguishing her from the aristocratic upper class and the lower class.

In The Canterbury Tales, how does Chaucer describe the Knight and the Squire?

Chaucer describes the Knight as an exemplary figure embodying truth, honor, generosity, and courtesy, having proven himself in battle and jousts. He is modest and not ostentatious, earning the title of a "perfect gentle-knight." The Squire, the Knight's son, is depicted as a youthful, handsome, and passionate young man, skilled in riding, dancing, and jousting, with a courteous demeanor and experience in battle, likely to follow his father's noble path.

Who are the members of the clergy in The Canterbury Tales?

In "The Canterbury Tales," the clergy members on the pilgrimage to Canterbury include the Prioress, Monk, Friar, Nun, Priest, Cleric, Parson, Summoner, Pardoner, and Canon. Notably, characters like the Summoner and Pardoner are depicted as corrupt, reflecting the Church's issues during the Middle Ages. The Summoner extorts money by threatening summonses, while the Pardoner sells indulgences for personal gain. These portrayals highlight the moral complexities of the clergy in Chaucer's time.

In The Canterbury Tales, which three pilgrims' appearances reveal their inner natures?

In "The Canterbury Tales," three pilgrims whose appearances reveal their inner natures are the Prioress, the Wife of Bath, and the Clerk. The Prioress is dainty and worldly, with rich attire, suggesting vanity rather than piety. The Wife of Bath's flamboyant and colorful clothing reflects her bold, independent nature. The Clerk's emaciated look and ragged clothes indicate his dedication to learning over material wealth. Chaucer uses these descriptions to satirize societal norms.

What is the Manciple's appearance in The Canterbury Tales?

In "The Canterbury Tales," the Manciple's physical appearance is not described by Chaucer. Instead, the focus is on his role as a purchasing agent for a group of lawyers, highlighting his shrewdness and market knowledge despite lacking formal education. Chaucer admires his cleverness but hints at his dishonesty, suggesting he might be skimming money. The Manciple is inferred to be of average appearance, as any notable physical traits would likely have been mentioned.

How is the Man of Law's appearance and dress described in The Canterbury Tales?

In The Canterbury Tales, the Man of Law is depicted as a dignified and knowledgeable lawyer who has become a judge. He is wealthy, owning much land, and is respected for his legal expertise. His appearance is modest, wearing a simple coat with a silk belt. He has a white beard and a ruddy complexion, indicating a life of indulgence. Despite his unassuming attire, he enjoys social prestige and holds various prestigious offices.

What are the Skipper's traits and actions in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales?

In "The General Prologue" of The Canterbury Tales, the Skipper is depicted as a practical and skilled sailor from the west, likely Dartmouth. He rides an unimpressive horse and wears simple wool garments. His face is sunburnt, and he carries a weapon with a cord. Morally dubious, he steals wine and lacks conscience, yet he is a master of his trade, skilled in navigation and astronomy, known for surviving storms and commanding the ship Madeleine.

"I took him for a gelding or a mare" describes which character in The Canterbury Tales?

The phrase "I took him for a gelding or a mare" describes the Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales. The narrator perceives the Pardoner as effeminate or possibly a eunuch, noting his long, flax-like hair, soft voice, and lack of a beard. This description implies ambiguity about the Pardoner's sexuality and highlights his deceitful nature, as he is known for swindling people. The Pardoner's character is central to themes of greed and false piety in the story.

Compare and contrast the Pardoner and the Monk in The Canterbury Tales.

The two characters are very different, but they also have a number of similarities. Firstly, they both hold official positions within the Catholic Church. The Pardoner is an ecclesiast who preaches to people on behalf of the church; the Monk is a monk - or friar - who lives in a monastery and follows a strict religious code of conduct. The two characters are similar in that they both flout their rules. The Pardoner cheats people out of money by claiming to be able to absolve them from their sins; the Monk breaks his monastic vows by drinking alcohol and eating meat. However, whereas the Pardoner'

What is each character's rank in "The Canterbury Tales"?

In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer presents a social commentary of society through his characters. Each character comes from a different part of England and travels to Canterbury to visit the site of Thomas Beckett's (the Archbishop of Canterbury) death. Throughout their trip, each pilgrim tells a tale. This allows the reader to learn more about who they are as a person. The Canterbury Tales takes place during the Middle Ages, so his characters embody the time and changes occurring during this time.

What is the significance of the dyer in The Canterbury Tales?

The dyer in "The Canterbury Tales" symbolizes the emerging middle class in medieval English society, reflecting the social mobility and economic opportunities following the Black Death. Chaucer includes the dyer alongside more prominent travelers to highlight this societal change. However, the dyer and other tradesmen do not tell a tale, suggesting a commentary on the persistent social hierarchy despite these transformations, where the traditional upper classes still dominate the narrative.

In "The Canterbury Tales," what is the weaver's job and attire?

In "The Canterbury Tales," the Weaver is actually the Wife of Bath. Her job involves making clothes, and she is renowned for her attire. Chaucer describes her wearing heavy head-dresses, finest red stockings, new shoes, a large wimple, and a wide hat. She is bold-faced, gap-toothed, and well-traveled, having been married five times. Her attire reflects her wealth and experience, and she is knowledgeable about love's "old dance."

How is the Clerk from the Canterbury Tales an idealistic character?

The idealistic character of the Clerk is juxtaposed against the Squire and the Lawyer in Canterbury Tales. The Clerk is a poor student whose town and background are unknown, but he appears to be young and educated. He lives a simple life and has no interest in material things because he believes that people should live temperately and have free will.

What do Chaucer's descriptions of the pilgrims' physical attributes and dress reveal about their nature?

Chaucer's descriptions of the pilgrims' physical attributes and dress in The Canterbury Tales reveal their true natures through satire. The Knight's simple, dirty attire reflects his sincerity. In contrast, the Prioress and Monk's luxurious clothing highlight their vanity and hypocrisy. The Merchant's and Wife of Bath's vibrant garments suggest wealth and ambition, while the Miller's deceptive attire indicates his dishonest nature. These descriptions expose the characters' virtues and vices, often critiquing societal roles.

Write a character analysis of either the monk, friar, franklin, or parson from Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales," based on the "Prologue" and any relevant comments.

Information about the Franklin's character can be found on pages 12 and 408 of Nevill Coghill's translation of "The Canterbury Tales." The Franklin lives a lavish lifestyle even though he is not of noble birth. The Franklin is not familiar with the art of rhetoric and his actions makes this apparent within the listed citations.

What are the primary features of Chaucer's characterization in The Canterbury Tales?

Chaucer's characterization in The Canterbury Tales is marked by detailed descriptions of apparel, physical features, and the use of juxtaposition. Clothing descriptions indicate social class and priorities, while physical traits often reveal moral characteristics, using Medieval beliefs like the Humours. Additionally, Chaucer uses juxtaposition to highlight hypocrisy, particularly among clerical characters, enhancing his satire of various social classes. His critical approach spans across noble, merchant, and church estates, sparing few from critique.

What is the moral character of the Oxford Cleric in The Canterbury Tales?

The Oxford Cleric in "The Canterbury Tales" is portrayed as a character deeply committed to learning and books, having rejected materialism for intellectual pursuits. His lean appearance and serious demeanor reflect his ascetic lifestyle. He speaks only when necessary, with brevity and meaning, embodying moral virtue. However, Chaucer's irony suggests his teachings might not be enthusiastically received, presenting him as a somewhat dull character who sacrifices worldly pleasures for scholarly endeavors.

Which deadly sin is the Oxford Cleric from The Canterbury Tales guilty of?

The deadly sin that the Clerk of Oxenford could be considered guilty of is greed or sloth. He could be guilty of these by being greedy for knowledge or slothful in not working to gain preferment. However, these are relatively weak cases, and he is, overall, one of the more admirable characters in The Canterbury Tales.

How do the Knight, the Parson, and the Plowman represent the three traditional estates in "The Canterbury Tales"?

In "The Canterbury Tales," the Knight, Parson, and Plowman represent the three traditional estates: nobility, clergy, and peasantry. The Knight exemplifies the noble ideals of chivalry, honor, and faith, joining the pilgrimage after returning from battles. The Parson, a low-ranking yet virtuous clergyman, leads his parishioners with kindness. His brother, the Plowman, is a devout Christian embodying the hardworking peasantry, content with his humble status while demonstrating love and charity.

Characterization of Pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales

In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer's portrayal of pilgrims in "The General Prologue" is nuanced, often using irony. The Knight and the Parson are idealized, embodying virtues expected of their roles. The Knight is depicted as noble and chivalrous, while the Parson is a model of piety and humility, contrasting with the corrupt clergy. The Plowman, the Parson's brother, is also idealized for his honesty and hard work. These characters are praised for their integrity and sincerity.

How does Chaucer indirectly characterize the Knight, Monk, Franklin, Wife of Bath, and Pardoner?

Chaucer uses indirect characterization to reveal the true nature of his characters through irony and subtle hints. The Knight, while praised for his chivalry, may be traumatized by his violent past. The Monk, better suited for battle than prayer, neglects his monastic duties. The Franklin and Wife of Bath are depicted as indulgent, enjoying life's pleasures. These indirect clues, contrasted with the narrator's naive praise, reveal deeper insights into each character's personality.

In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, which class do most characters belong to: upper, middle, or working?

In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, most characters belong to the middle class, particularly those in the clergy. While they are meant to take vows of poverty, many clergy members, like the Monk and Friar, live comfortably, enjoying wealth and status akin to the upper-middle class. However, there are exceptions, such as the Parson, who genuinely adheres to his vow of poverty and represents the working class.

Who is the brother of the Plowman in The Canterbury Tales?

In The Canterbury Tales, the Plowman's brother is the Parson. Like the Plowman, the Parson is one of the twenty-nine pilgrims who are traveling to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket.

Discuss the virtues and vices of the Pardoner, Summoner, Narrator, and Harry Bailley in The Canterbury Tales.

The Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales is greedy and manipulative, exploiting his religious role for profit, yet his transparency can be seen as a virtue. The Summoner, marked by corruption and bribery, exposes the church's moral failings, which can be considered his virtue. Harry Bailley, the Host, is kind and tolerant but avoids deep emotions, seeking to keep interactions light. The Narrator, Chaucer, reveals personal biases through selective storytelling, reflecting his preferences and prejudices.

The role and description of the doctor in The Canterbury Tales

The Doctor in The Canterbury Tales is portrayed as a knowledgeable and skilled physician who profits from his practice. He is well-versed in medical authorities and astrology, using these to diagnose and treat patients. However, Chaucer also highlights the Doctor's greed and love for gold, indicating that his medical practice is driven more by profit than by genuine care for patients.

Chaucer's portrayal of characters in The Canterbury Tales both negatively and positively

In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer portrays characters both negatively and positively to reflect the diversity of human nature. Positive portrayals include the Knight, who embodies chivalry and honor, and the Parson, who is genuinely pious. Conversely, characters like the Pardoner and the Friar are depicted negatively, highlighting their hypocrisy and corruption. This dual portrayal underscores the complexity of medieval society.

The Pardoner's Role, Traits, and Symbolism in The Canterbury Tales

In The Canterbury Tales, the Pardoner's character is depicted as morally corrupt and hypocritical, using his church position for personal gain. His physical traits, such as thin, wax-like hair, a goat-like voice, and lack of facial hair, symbolize his inner depravity and emasculation. These features suggest a lack of masculinity and spiritual deficiency. The Pardoner's occupation aligns with his character, as he exploits the church's practice of selling indulgences, further emphasizing his greed and deceitfulness. Despite his contemptible nature, he adds a comic and sinister element to the tales.

Chaucer's portrayal of the nun in The Canterbury Tales

Chaucer's portrayal of the nun in The Canterbury Tales is satirical. He depicts her as a woman overly concerned with appearances and manners, which contrasts with the expected humility and piety of her religious role. Her pretentious behavior and material interests highlight the gap between her duties and her actions.

Description and role of the Friar in The Canterbury Tales

The Friar in The Canterbury Tales is depicted as a corrupt and immoral religious figure who abuses his position for personal gain. He is described as a jovial and well-dressed man who ingratiates himself with the wealthy while neglecting the poor. His role highlights the hypocrisy and corruption within the Church during Chaucer's time.

The best and most genuinely holy character in The Canterbury Tales

The best and most genuinely holy character in The Canterbury Tales is the Parson. Unlike many other characters, the Parson is depicted as truly pious and virtuous, living a life of poverty and humility. He practices what he preaches, serving as a moral exemplar among the pilgrims.

Chaucer's portrayal of the Summoner in "The Canterbury Tales"

Chaucer's portrayal of the Summoner in "The Canterbury Tales" is highly critical. He depicts the Summoner as a corrupt and morally reprehensible figure who abuses his position for personal gain. With his lecherous behavior and grotesque appearance, the Summoner is used to satirize the corruption within the Church, highlighting the disparity between the Church's ideals and the actual behavior of its officials.

Analysis of the Oxford Cleric and his tale in The Canterbury Tales

The Oxford Cleric in The Canterbury Tales is depicted as a dedicated scholar who values knowledge and education over material wealth. His tale, "The Clerk's Tale," reflects his own virtues, emphasizing patience, loyalty, and the moral integrity of Griselda, a patient and obedient wife, highlighting themes of virtue and the trials of life.

The Monk's Character and Appearance in The Canterbury Tales

In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, the Monk character represents the growing disdain for the clergy in Medieval England. Contrary to traditional vows of poverty and penance, Chaucer's Monk is self-indulgent, lazy, and enjoys hunting, spending church funds on his hobbies. His appearance defies typical monastic simplicity; he wears a fur-trimmed cloak and gold pin, indicating a lack of religious zeal. Chaucer uses the Monk to satirize the materialistic nature of the clergy.

Character analysis of the clerk in The Canterbury Tales

The Clerk in The Canterbury Tales is depicted as a dedicated scholar who values knowledge and education over material wealth. He is modest, quiet, and spends his money on books rather than luxuries, reflecting his commitment to learning and intellectual pursuits.

Geoffrey Chaucer's use and mastery of character archetypes in The Canterbury Tales

Geoffrey Chaucer masterfully employs a variety of character archetypes in The Canterbury Tales to reflect the diversity of medieval society. Through characters like the Knight, the Miller, and the Wife of Bath, Chaucer explores universal human traits and societal roles, providing a rich tapestry of personalities that convey moral lessons and social commentary.

Church Figures in The Canterbury Tales

In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer critiques the Catholic Church through characters like the Pardoner and the Summoner, who are portrayed as corrupt, exploiting their positions for personal gain. The Friar, Monk, and Prioress are also depicted with flaws, emphasizing greed and disregard for vows. In contrast, the Parson stands out as an honorable figure, embodying true Christian values and devotion. Chaucer uses these characters to satirize the Church's failings, highlighting both its corruption and the rare integrity within it.

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