Further Reading

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Campbell, David C., and Dale E. Hess. "Olympian Detachment: A Critical Look at the World of C. S. Lewis's Characters." Studies in the Literary Imagination XXII, No. 2 (Fall 1989): 199-215.

Employs "attribution journal" methodology to the study of characters from The Hideous Strength, Till We Have Faces, and Perelandra.

Carnell, Corbin Scott. "Ransom in C. S. Lewis' Perelandra as Hero in Transformation: Notes Toward a Jungian Reading of the Novel." Studies in the Literary Imagination XIV, No. 2 (Fall 1981): 67-71.

Provides Jungian analysis of the Elwin Ransom character in Perelandra.

Christopher, Joe R. "C. S. Lewis, Love Poet," Studies in the Literary Imagination XXII, No. 2 (Fall 1989): 161-73.

Offers analysis of the structure, linguistic patterns, and romantic themes of Lewis's poetry.

Glover, Donald E. "The Magician's Book: That's Not Your Story." Studies in the Literary Imagination XXII, No. 2 (Fall 1989): 217-25.

Examines elements of plot, theme, and narrative presentation in "The Chronicles of Narnia" and Till We Have Faces.

Haigh, John D. "C. S. Lewis and the Tradition of Visionary Romance." In Word and Story in C. S. Lewis, edited by Peter J. Schakel and Charles A. Huttar, pp. 182-98. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1991.

Discusses Lewis's conception of the romance, as opposed to the novel, and its central themes and characteristics as delineated by critics and exhibited in Lewis's work.

Holbrook, David. The Skeleton in the Wardrobe: C. S. Lewis's Fantasies: A Phenomenological Study. Lewistown: Bucknell University Press, 1991, 298 p.

Explores Lewis's didacticism, Christian proselytizing, and menacing fantasies in "The Chronicles of Narnia."

King, Don W. "The Distant Voice in C. S. Lewis's Poems." Studies in the Literary Imagination XXII, No. 2 (Fall 1989): 175-84.

Examines aspects of ambivalence and hesitancy in Lewis's poetic persona in Poems.

Petrik, James M. "In Defense of C. S. Lewis's Analysis of God's Goodness." International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 36, No. 1 (August 1994): 45-56.

Examines Lewis's conception of God's benevolence and the role of human suffering as outlined in The Problem of Pain.

Pittenger, Norman. "C. S. Lewis: Combative in Defense." Studies in the Literary Imagination XIV, No. 2 (Fall 1981): 13-20.

Offers a negative critique of Lewis's Christian perspective, dogmatism, and apologetic writings.

Robson, W. W. "C. S. Lewis." The Cambridge Quarterly 1, No. 3 (Summer 1966): 252-72.

Provides an overview of Lewis's religious and moral themes and critical discussion surrounding his work and literary reputation.

Schakel, Peter J. "Personal Writer of the Sixties: Reason and Imagination United." In Reason and Imagination in C. S. Lewis: A Study of Till We Have Faces, pp. 163-82. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1984.

Discusses the reconciliation of intellectual detachment and creative imagination in Lewis's later writing.

Watson, Thomas Ramey. "Enlarging Augustinian Systems: C. S. Lewis' The Great Divorce and Till We Have Faces." Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature XLVI, No. 3 (Spring 1994): 163-74.

Examines the influence of Saint Augustine's theology and Christian typology in Lewis's fiction.

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