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Explain the difference between travel and tourism.

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The best way to think of the difference between travel and tourism is one is part of the other but this did does not mean that they are the same. 

In short, tourism is a part of travel, but not all travel is tourism. 

When a person travels for tourism,...

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he or she is traveling for leisure. This will entail a different mindset. This means that the people in the destination will also have a different mindset. They will set up business and other industries to receive people and capitalize on this. For example, just look at a tourist destinations - prices are higher and amenities are catered for people's convenience.

Travel, on the other hand, is broad. People can travel for many reasons. For example, a person can travel for business to a remote region to start a mining company. If he or she does that, there might be nothing there, certainly no industries for tourism. There are other reason why people may travel - visit family, friends, funerals, weddings, and many other reason. These reasons may have nothing to do with tourism. 

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Generally, travel is related to an individual's movement from one place to another due to work, to meet family/friends for a short while or healthcare. Tourism, on the other hand, refers to the movement of an individual for recreational purposes. People travel to all sorts of locations and places, however, tourism is mainly limited to locations with tourism potential, such as national parks, monuments, museums, beach, big cities, etc.

The two activities are related. Tourism is the business of providing the infrastructure (such as hotels, restaurants, convenience stores, museums, etc.) and services (security, transport, etc.) to facilitate the visit of travelers and tourists. People spend capital during their travel and the tourism industry makes sure that the traveler's stay is comfortable. In this way, people achieve their purpose and the tourism industry gets the capital and stays in business.

Many a times, travel and tourism are used interchangeably, however there are some differences between the two. Tourism is also defined as travel for a relatively longer duration.

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When you are looking at travel and tourism you are looking at the economic relationship within countries or regions where people will visit and boost the economy.

When you are looking at tourism you are looking at the act of visiting an area that has some value in spending money in that area. In turn the area that it visited gets financial gain from having to support an info structure to support an extra population outside of the citizens that pay taxes within the area.

When you look at travel you are looking at those who visit a particular region and the companies that provide the means of getting to and staying at a particular location. The financial benefit to this is that the customer will pay to travel to and stay at a location.

It is important to note that tourism and travel is a symbiotic relationship. For example travelers will use the travel industry to fly to a location in Mexico for vacation and will stay at a resort.  The traveler will utilize the tourism industry when the resort they are on is a secure location, has running water is an isolated location and this is rewarded to the location they are visiting as they pay resort fees and spend money in the local area to support the info structure (roads, police etc.) that the city had to spend to ensure the tourist will visit the location.

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