The Bridge Criticism
- Introduction
- An introduction to The Bridge: A Poem by Hart Crane
- The Structure of Hart Crane's The Bridge
- Hart Crane's Myth: The Brooklyn Bridge
- The Writing of 'The Bridge': 1923-1929
- The 'Super Historical' Sense of Hart Crane's The Bridge
- A Divided Self: The Poetic Responsibility of Hart Crane with Respect to 'The Bridge '
- A Poetics for 'The Bridge '
- Two Views of 'The Bridge '
- Theme and Free Variation: The Scoring of Hart Crane's 'The Bridge'
- Cultural Revisions in the Twenties: Brooklyn Bridge as "Usable Past"
- Toward a Poetics of Technology: Hart Crane and the American Sublime
- The Bridge
- The Success of Failure: Hart Crane's Revisions of Whitman and Eliot in 'The Bridge'
- The Bridge: 'Too Impossible An Ambition?'
- Back Home Again in India: Hart Crane's 'The Bridge '
- "Our Native Clay': Racial and Sexual Identity and the Making of Americans in 'The Bridge '
- Further Reading